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Event ID:  9139
Contact Name:  Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities (ABAE)
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  +582122075401
Organization:  Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities (ABAE)
Event Web Site:
Dates:  18th October 2015 to 9th October 2015
Physical Event: 
Type:  Public
Start/End Type: 
Country:  Venezuela
State/Province:  Capital District
City:  Caracas
Location:  La Carlota
Event Name:  Socialization of Knowlege of Space. World Space Week
Event Description:  1.-Seminar: Learning Processes in the Teaching of Science and Space Technology in Primary school level. (From 18th september to 1st of october). Active seminar for teachers of primary school. -Topycs:Legal framework that supports the teaching and development of socio cognitive processes of knowledge of Space Science. Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Organic Law on Education. Law on Culture. Law ABAE. LOCTI. Lopna. International Standards and space regulations. 2.-Symposium: Educational Research for strengthening the space science and technology in the Venezuelan education system. (8,9 october 2015). -Topycs:Space Activities Space Education and Development in Venezuela. Learning processes in contemporary teaching of Space Science. The ancient cosmic vision (Indigenous Carinas). Space from the Ethnomusicology of the Venezuelan indigenous.Public Policy and Educational of the Mission Ribas (The space sciences as transverse educational axis). The Space and the Bicentennial Collection Books. Curricular adequacy of the Ribas mission and space science. Geospatial Education Discipline in Venezuela. Teaching Science in the Bolivarian Educational System. Myths and Realities of curricular approach by competence in the teaching of space science in the university educational subsystem. 3.-Management of educational activities with children applied sciences and space technology. (from 5 to 9 october 2015). Activities for children on primary school: -Water rocket competition. (7,8 and 9 of october 2015). -Satellite of paper 3D modeling. -Design and presentation of spatial costumes -Cultural Activities: Symphony orchestra, recreational games and exhibition paints. 4.-1st seminar entitled "The Space Education comes to Your School", in Zulia State, and articulated with the formal educational entity of that State (Zulia State Educational Zone). Topycs: -Space Activities and the Development of Space Education in Venezuela. -Venezuelan Satellites, Benefits and Application.
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results:  Disclose the Venezuelan spatial reality and visible achievements of the Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities . Incorporate the basic education sector, the Venezuelan space program . Facilitate the empowerment of the society of the benefits of space applications and ultimately contribute to building a culture of space science and technology as the basis of a developing country .
Attendance:  1000
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  60000
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