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  • This page shows the Events planned for and held in Madagascar during World Space Week
  • The list contains 50 events per page. The links at the bottom of the page can be used to view other sections of the list.
  • Events with a 'Y' in the Map column indicate that the exact location of the event has been mapped.
  • A plot of the 2012 mapped events can be seen here: 2012 Mapped Events
  • Questions or problems using the calendar please email

Country State/Province City Event Name Year Map Details


Romania Vaslui county Barlad "Most important discoveries in astronomy" 2012Y Event Details
Romania Vaslui county Barlad "On the Origin of the Universe" 2012Y Event Details
Romania Vaslui county Barlad "Philatelic exhibition and photography: artificial satellite" 2012Y Event Details
Romania Vaslui county Barlad "Travel through the universe" 2012Y Event Details
Romania Vaslui county Barlad 2012 Event Details
Romania Vaslui county Barlad 2012 Event Details
Saudi Arabia Eastern Province Al-Khobar World Space Week 2012 2012Y Event Details
Saudi Arabia Makkah, Western Province Jeddah 'World space week' أسبوع الفضاء العالمي 2012 Event Details
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Asir Rjalalma ((Report of the World Space Week)) 2012Y Event Details
Slovakia Kysucke Nove Mesto From Sputnik to Space Shuttle 2012Y Event Details
Slovakia Trebisov Vesmir pre bezpecnost a ochranu ludstva 2012 Event Details
Slovenia Šentjur Astronomical weekend 2012 Event Details
South Africa Gautian Johannesburg World space month 2012 Event Details
South Africa Western Cape SAAO/SASA/WIA Africa/SAAF Rocketry Workshop 2012 Event Details
South Africa Western Cape Cape Town CD Saturn Workshop 2012 Event Details
South Africa Western Cape Cape Town CD Saturn Workshop 2012 Event Details
South Africa Western Cape Cape Town Eggnaut Challenge 2012 Event Details
South Africa Western Cape Cape Town FRIDAY NIGHT SCIENCE NIGHT 2012 Event Details
South Africa Western Cape Cape Town Global Cardboard Challenge 2012 Event Details
South Africa Western Cape Cape Town Google Hangout - with Curiosity Rover’s control team 2012 Event Details
South Africa Western Cape Cape Town Hubble Space Telescope Workshop 2012 Event Details
South Africa Western Cape Cape Town Moon Orbiter 2012 Event Details
South Africa Western Cape Cape Town Paper Planetarium 2012 Event Details
South Africa Western Cape Cape Town Rock-It-Science 2012 Event Details
South Africa Western Cape Cape Town Rocket Workshops 2012 Event Details
South Africa Western Cape Cape Town SASA Conference 2012 2012 Event Details
South Africa Western Cape Cape Town Space Shuttle Model Workshop 2012 Event Details
South Africa Western Cape Cape Town Space Shuttle Model Workshop 2012 Event Details
South Africa Western Cape Hermanus Public Open Day 2012Y Event Details
South Africa Western Cape Hermanus World Space Week Open Day 2012 Event Details
Spain Barajas WSW2012 2012 Event Details
Spain Barajas WSW2012 2012 Event Details
Spain Barajas WSW2012 2012 Event Details
Spain Barajas WSW2012 2012 Event Details
Spain Barajas WSW2012 2012 Event Details
Spain Barajas WSW2012 2012 Event Details
Spain Madrid Barajas Astrium World Space Week - Barajas 2012Y Event Details
Spain Madrid Tres Cantos Astrium World Space Week - Madrid Tres Cantos 2012 Event Details
Spain Tres Cantos WSW2012 2012 Event Details
Spain Tres Cantos WSW2012 2012 Event Details
Spain Tres Cantos WSW2012 2012 Event Details
Spain Tres Cantos WSW2012 2012 Event Details
Spain Tres Cantos WSW2012 2012 Event Details
Spain Tres Cantos WSW2012 2012 Event Details
Spain Tres Cantos WSW2012 2012 Event Details
Spain Tres Cantos WSW2012 2012 Event Details
Spain Tres Cantos WSW2012 2012 Event Details
Spain Tres Cantos WSW2012 2012 Event Details
Spain Tres Cantos WSW2012 2012 Event Details
Spain Barcelona Gaià FOSCA 2012 2012 Event Details

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