Educational Resources

WSW 2024: Space & Climate Change Resources
This page consists of a collection of resources curated for World Space Week 2024 theme, Space & Climate Change.

World Space Week Teacher’s Activity Guide
Teacher’s Activity Guide offers a variety of engaging science and math activities for K-12 students, designed to leverage the excitement of space exploration during World Space Week.

Airbus - World Space Week - Space Presentation Kits
Airbus creates annual presentations for World Space Week, offering valuable insights on various spacerelated subjects tailored to each year’s theme

World Space Week Heinlein
Teacher Guide
This Teacher Guide is a collection of science and language arts activities for children in grades 5-9, based on the book “Have Spacesuit – Will Travel” by Robert A. Heinlein.

UNOOSA: Benefits of Space for
UNOOSA’s “Benefits of Space” page highlights how space technologies contribute to sustainable economic and social development globally. It covers various sectors, including agriculture, global health, environment, disaster management, and education.

European Space Education
Resource Office (ESERO)
European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO) project is ESA’s main way of supporting the primary and secondary education community in Europe. ESERO uses space related themes to enhance school pupils’ literacy and competence in STEM-related subjects.

National Aeronautics and Space
Administration of the U.S (NASA)
Browse through this long list of great and free-to-use teaching material. There will certainly be something you can use!

European Space Agency (ESA)
European Space Agency (ESA) has a dedicated Education Office, producing a wealth of classroom resources for many age groups. These resources are available free of charge, both online and offline. Here are a few:

Space Awareness
Space Awareness offers a series of free, high-quality activities and resources to inspire children from 8 to 18 years old, primary and secondary school teachers, teacher trainers, science educators, and families.

This Teacher Guide is a collection of science and language arts activities for children in grades 5-9, based on the book “Have Spacesuit – Will Travel” by Robert A. Heinlein.

International Space Station Educator’s Resource Guide
Our sponsor, Lockheed Martin, created a great teacher’s guide about the International Space Station, together with NASA. It describes activities for grades 5 to 8, relating to all disciplines that are studied on board the real station.

BBC WSW Teaching Resources
Out of this world World Space Week resources for teachers.