European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO)
The European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO) project is ESA’s main way of supporting the primary and secondary education community in Europe. ESERO uses space related themes and the genuine fascination felt by young people for space to enhance school pupils’ literacy and competence in STEM-related subjects. The ESERO project also highlights the associated applications from space and raises awareness of the large range of career prospects in the space domain. It is organized by country:
- Belgium ESERO – L’espace en classe
- Belgium ESERO – Schiet uw school de ruimte in
- Czech Republic ESERO – Vzdělávací kancelář Evropské vesmírné agentury
- Denmark ESERO
- Germany ESERO
- Ireland ESERO – Education Project
- Italy ESERO
- The Netherlands ESERO – Ruimtevaart in uw klas
- Nordic ESERO – School Projects
- Poland ESERO
- Portugal ESERO
- Romania ESERO
- Spain ESERO – Del Espacio al Aula
- UK ESERO – Space Education Office