Vigil protesting Aegis Destroyer participation in satellite directed offensive warfare
Event Description:
Vigil across from administration building of Bath Iron Works on Washington Street 11:30 am. Smilin
Promotional Image:
No Image.
Report on the Results:
The vigil occurred during a mid-day shift-change at the factory. Bath Iron Works is where the Navy's Aegis destroyer is built. The Aegis is outfitted with missile defense systems -- guided by space satellites -- that are now being deployed just off the coast of China in an increased U.S. military presence in the Asian-Pacific region. The vigilers held signs calling for the prevention of an arms race in space, and for the conversion of Bath Iron Works from a facility supporting endless war, to a facility that builds the alternative energy infrastructure needed for survival in the twenty-first Century -- including wind turbines, solar energy technology, and a light-rail train system for this country. Around 300 BIW workers passed by this vigil during the shift-change.