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Event ID:  15072
Contact Name:  Jesenka Ricl
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  0038531445383
Organization:  Muzej Slavonije
Event Web Site:
Dates:  5th October 2017 to 6th October 2017
Physical Event: 
Type:  Public
Start/End Type: 
Country:  Croatia
State/Province:  Osječko baranjska županija
City:  Osijek
Location:  Trg sv. Trojstva 2, Osijek
Event Name:  Svjetski tjedan svemira u Muzeju Slavonije/World Space Week at the Museum of Slavonia
Event Description:  Muzej Slavonije organizira besplatno vodstvo za učenike osnovnih škola u postavu „Prapovijest“ i zabavno edukativni program u trajanju od 60 minuta. Program organiziramo povodom obilježavanja Svjetskog tjedna svemira 2017. Muzej Slavonije se obilježavanju Svjetskog tjedna svemira prvi puta pridružio prošle godine bogatim programom. Ove godine za učenike osnovnih škola u pratnji nastavnika, pripremili smo besplatni posjet stalnom postavu „Prapovijest“ u zgradi Glavne straže Muzeja Slavonije. U stalnom postavu Prapovijesti nalaze se arheološki predmeti koji pripadaju vučedolskoj kulturi, a koja predstavlja završnu fazu eneolitika. Vučedolsko poimanje svijeta iskazano je na njihovim posudama najstarijim europskim ideogramima. Svi ukrasi na njima nose nebesku simboliku, a keramička posuda iz Vinkovaca, nastala oko, prikazuje astralni kalendar vučedolske kulture. Prijave za besplatno vodstvo i program su obvezne. Vodstvo je moguće organizirati u vremenu od 10:00 do 12:00 sati, 5. i 6. listopada, u zgrada Glavne straže, Trg sv. Trojstva 2, Osijek. Prijaviti se možete putem e-mail adrese ili telefonom +385 31 445 383. Museum of Slavonia organizes free tour for elementary school students through the "Prehistory" permanent exhibition and afterwards a fun educational program altogether lasting for 60 minutes. The program is organized on the occasion of World Space Week 2017 celebration. The permanent exhibition of prehistoric times contains archaeological objects belonging to the Vučedol culture, which represents the final phase of Eneolithic. Vučedol community presented the concept of the world on their vessels with the oldest European ideograms. All the ornaments on ceramic vessels carry the celestial symbolism, and the ceramic vessel from Vinkovci, ca. 2600 BC, depicts the astral calendar of Vučedol culture. Applications for free tour and program are mandatory. Tour can be organized from 10:00 to 12:00 AM, from October 5th to October 6th, in the building of the Main Guard, Trg sv. Trojstva 2, in City of Osijek. You can register via e-mail or by phone +385 31 445 383.
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results: 
Attendance:  0
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  0
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