Columbia University, Institute for Latin American Studies, 420 West 118th Street 8th Floor IAB, room 802
Event Name:
A Conversation on Gender Equality and Space
Event Description:
9 October 6:30-7:45
In celebration of World Space Week (WSW) 2018, Space for Women, in collaboration with Ladies do Launch and World Space Week USA, is organizing a series of panels (NY, DC, Seattle, SF Bay Area) focused on advancing women in the space sector and the applications of space for improving the lives of girls and women around the world. The theme for WSW 2018 is Space Unites Us All which speaks directly to themes of inclusion and the benefits of space for all.
The NY panel will reflect on the conclusions of a recent United Nations Expert Meeting on gender equality and space. It raised a number of questions and posed a series of recommendations around the narrative of the space sector, the pipeline of girls and women in STEM from early education through to leadership, and the ways in which space applications were developed and used by women and for their empowerment (see Annex).
Join panelists to explore and discuss practical efforts being made to ensure that space does indeed unite us all.
- Jennifer Breslin, Futuristas: Insights from the Space for Women Expert Meeting
- Cole Grissom, Girl Scouts of the USA: Engaging Girls - Space Science Badges
- Sidney Nakahodo, NY Space Alliance: Supporting women in the space start up community
- Jana Grcevich, Astronomer and Co-Author of Vacation Guide to the Solar System: Science communication
- Hellin Brink, UNESCO: Applications of space tech for women’s and girls' empowerment
- Saralyn Mark, iGIANT: Gendered innovations in space science and tech