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Event ID:  21311
Contact Name:  Ministry of education
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Organization:  The second high school in Samata
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Dates:  4th October 2018 to 10th October 2018
Physical Event: 
Type:  School
Start/End Type: 
Country:  Saudi Arabia
State/Province:  Jazzan
City:  Samta
Event Name:  A play about space between the sun and the planets about the choice of the best planet
Event Description:  The histrionic : One day, deep in the distant space, a number of planets of the solar system gathered at the sun and filed a complaint about which one is the best. After arguing, they asked the sun to rule among them. She said, "Well, let each of you describe himself, and then we will see which one is best." Jupiter: Because I am the largest and largest planet, I also consider the fifth planet as a distance from you, the sun, and I am the most bright planet after the sun, moon and Venus. After the buyer finished his speech approached Saturn proudly said: I am considered one of the most beautiful planets in this astronomical system, and I am ranked second Saturn: I am famous for a belt of asteroids that form a ring that surrounds me and makes me more beautiful. Uranus interrupts: Well, you're a superstar Saturn, it's time to talk to me. Uranus: I am also a beautiful planet, a color that tends to blue, and is considered among the great gaseous planets. Then it was a little silent, and the sun said: Here, too, Uranus, sadly: I have a problem. I turn in the opposite direction of the rotation of the natural planets around you, the sun. Neptune enthusiastically: I call the Blue Planet, and I am the fourth of the giant planets, I have 17 satellites, and I also have six rings around me. I would not be surprised if Mars intervened, saying: What, would not I talk today, or would everyone say what they had and keep the latter? Mars: Because of the abundance of Iron Oxide Fe203 in earthy. Mercury came and said, "I am the fourth planet in the solar system, and my survey estimates a quarter of the Earth's surface, : As for me, the smallest planets and the closest to the sun, and my position in the sky is changing faster than the speed of any other planet of you .. bloom : I am the planet that the people call the star of the morning or the star of the evening because I see the horizon of the earth only before the sunrise or sunset in a short time. Finally, the earth progresses and said gracefully: Now, will you let me talk? The sun is encouraging: Earth: All of you may have beautiful and wonderful features, but I do not have the advantage that none of you have. The sun: What is your advantage? Earth: I have an atmosphere and a terrain that helps life, so I live on the surface of many living things. Right, and actually this advantage is not owned by one of us. Land added: I also prepared the largest alcoa I have a moon that is full moon, and my climate contains oxygen, nitrogen and argon. Then the earth is sinking: "That's all, I've finished talking." The sun said, smiling: Now is the time to shake it up. The sun shone: I think the planet is your best, because it is a planet and lives with so many beautiful creatures. The planets are happy, and all around the planet they congratulate him because he was the best. .
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results:  Selected the planet as best planets because he planet there is a trick and live
Attendance:  100
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  8
Media Impressions are Unique: 

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