Government College of Engineering,Aurangabad,India
Event Web Site:
9th October 2007 to 10th October 2007
Physical Event:
Start/End Type:
Government College of Engineering
Event Name:
Poster Competition
Event Description:
On the Ocassion of the World Space week,We are organising the Poster competion on the subject SPACE ODDYSEY 2050 on college level. Event will be held on 10th october 2007. On the same day we are organising guest lecture on the subject 'Space Development Past And Future' by eminent personality. This will develope an awareness towards this field in the engineering student. Time: 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Venue: Electronics And Tele-comm Department Govt College of Engg. Aurangabad,India.
Promotional Image:
No Image.
Report on the Results:
Participent Feedback: Student were encouraged towards this field so that we could be able to establish the ASTRNOMY CLUB in the college. This Club is designed to provide more basic knoweldge and general awareness of the Astrnomy to the college students. We are organising Mobile Planetorium in Feb.2008. This also generated the awareness in the visitor's mind. The posters were judged by the senior professors: 1.Prof.G.K. Andurkar(Eletr. & Tele-comm. Dept.) 2.Dr. A.G. Thosar (HOD of Electrical Dept.)of college. Judging Criterion: Creativity,Presentation,Knoweledge Depth. and Ineraction Skills of the participent. No. entries:45 No. of Rank:3 Judges Feedback: Judges were very happy to see the student's creativity and they encouraged student's towards this field which is actually out of syllabus for all students.