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Event ID:  35678
Contact Name:  Stephanie Pau
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Organization:  FAIR-SPACE Hub and Imperial College London
Event Web Site:
Dates:  9th October 2020 to 9th October 2020
Physical Event:  No
Type:  Other
Start/End Type:  Both Starts and Ends During WSW
Country:  United Kingdom
Event Name:  From PPE to Spacesuits #3: Adaptive Clothing - design for women
Event Description:  Are the current PPEs universally designed? Is a unisex three-size-fit-all design enough? Is universal design inclusive design? So much of PPE and spacesuit design and manufacturing is about standardisation, the truth is the human body is not standardised. One approach spacesuit makers take is to modularise to allow for customisation. How can the garments and equipment be designed for diversity in space and in operating theaters? Could the existing approach to designing PPEs by standard sizes be excluding the majority from the usage of such garments and equipment, rather than including? Join our international panellists (astronaut, spacesuit maker and surgeon) on a special event online on 9th Oct 19:30 UK time/13:30 Houston time/20:30 Central European time
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Report on the Results: 
Attendance:  0
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  0
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