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Event ID:  46215
Contact Name:  Rafael C. Nunes
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Organization:  Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
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Dates:  5th October 2021 to 5th October 2021
Physical Event:  No
Type:  Other
Start/End Type:  Both Starts and Ends During WSW
Country:  Brazil
Event Name:  Seminário Study of stellar pulsations in DA white dwarf stars
Event Description:  Palestrante: Alejandra Romero (UFRGS) Data: 05 de outubro de 2021 (terça-feira) Hora: 15h00 (horário de Brasília) Transmissão on-line: (inscreva-se o Canal do INPE no YouTube para saber dos seminários) Título: Study of stellar pulsations in DA white dwarf stars Resumo: White dwarf stars are the evolutionary endpoint of all stars born with stellar masses below ~8-10 solar masses, i.e, more than 95 % of all stars in our Galaxy. They come in different flavours, depending on the dominant element in the atmosphere, with 85% presenting hydrogen-rich atmospheres (DAs). Along the cooling curve, there are several instability strips where white dwarfs show photometric variability due to pulsations. The pulsations are caused by gravity modes that propagate inside the star carrying information of the interior. Just as seismology uses the earthquakes to study the interior of the Earth, we can use the pulsations in white dwarfs to study their inner structure, chemical composition, mass and even age, through Asteroseismology. Moderador: Rafael C. Nunes - Divisão de Astrofísica (INPE)
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Attendance:  0
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Media Impressions:  0
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