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Event ID:  47808
Contact Name:  Liudmyla Bashtovaya
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  0502019903
Organization:  The State Polytechnical Museum
Event Web Site:
Dates:  7th October 2021 to 10th October 2021
Physical Event:  Yes
Type:  Public
Start/End Type:  Both Starts and Ends During WSW
Country:  Ukraine
State/Province:  Kyiv
City:  Kyiv
Address:  Prospekt Peremohy, 37, Building 6
Location:  Aerospace Department
Event Name:  Meeting for young people with prominent women workong in space sector
Event Description:  Public lectures for young people given by female scientists engaged in space sector: - "Formation of plant-microbial complexes outside the Earth" - senior researcher of laboratory aerocosmological research of the agrosphere Institute of Agroecology and Nature Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, associate professor of the Department of Biotechnology of the National Aviation University, Doctor of Biological Sciences Nadia Adamchuk-Chala "Space observations and artificial intelligence" - Deputy Director of the Space Research Institute NAS of Ukraine, c. at. Head of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Data Analysis KPI. Igor Sikorsky, research supervisor of international projects with the support of CRDF, INTAS, STCU, World Bank, coordinator of the Ukrainian Geospatial Data Center UGDC of the global data system WDS, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Natalia Kussul.
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results: 
Attendance:  0
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  0
Media Impressions are Unique: 

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