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Event ID:  6942
Contact Name:  Nick Swift
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  +44 1484 600461
Organization:  Association for Science Education
Event Web Site:
Dates:  9th October 2014 to 9th October 2014
Physical Event: 
Type:  Private
Start/End Type: 
Country:  United Kingdom
State/Province:  Northamptonshire
City:  Daventry
Event Name:  The Mighty Sky
Event Description:  Workshop and Concert on space and astronomy themes using school age musicians and featuring Beth Nielsen Chapman. 6PM till 8PM. Astronomy and space content with Prof. Paul Roche from the University of South Wales and Rocky Alvey from the Vanderbilt Dyer Observatory Nashville.Event sponsor is STFC.
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results:  The event almosdt filled the venue. We had a senior executive from NASA presenting an award.Another event in Huddersfield in 2015 will be attended by 1000 people with 300 musicians, based on the success of this pilot.Kids loved it, especially the astronomy theme to the music.
Attendance:  80
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  500
Media Impressions are Unique: 

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