Find out how you can have a career in space from Siân Cleaver, Industrial Manager Orion ESM and ESM-2 AIT Scheduler at Airbus Defence and Space.
Listen to Siân explaining about her interest in space and what it is exactly that she is doing at work, the Artemis mission and going back to the Moon, her jobs, engineering and space, moving countries, what would she take with her to space when she goes there. She also told us about growing up preparing for her dream job, her career path and how she ended up with the job she is currently doing.
Siân gives very good advice to anyone young who wishes to pursue a space career, giving her path as an example.
Thank you very much Siân Cleaver for generously sharing your thoughts with the World Space Week Association and we wish you success in everything you do.
Follow Siân on Tweeter @Sian_130
A collection of inspirational people, sharing their visions for humanity’s future in space — organised with the support of the the World Space Week Association.
World Space Week Association PODCASTING PROJECT TEAM
Host and producer: Haritina Mogoșanu, Senior Space Science Communicator WSW Association,
Co-host: Samuel Leske, Milky-Way.Kiwi
Special thanks to
– Milky-Way.Kiwi and New Zealand Astrobiology Network for the recording equipment and time.
– Rhian Sheehan for the music.
– Maruška Strah, Executive Director World Space Week Association.
The podcasts have been produced for the global World Space Week network.