Role of the National Coordinator
Since its declaration by the UN General Assembly in 1999, World Space Week (WSW) has grown to the largest annual public space event on Earth, with participation by over 80 nations. The national coordinator plays a critical role in this important program.
Briefly, the role of the national coordinator is to:
- Throughout the year, invite organizations around the country to participate in World Space Week. Potential participants include space-related government agencies, companies, science centers, museums, universities, schools and media. Please click here for a letter that can be used for this purpose. Click here for WSW program ideas. Encourage all participants to make this an automatic part of their annual plans.
- Ask all participants to use the name “World Space Week” and the WSW logo in their publicity materials in association with their October 4-10 events. This gives the overall global celebration the coordinated image necessary to attract widespread media and public attention.
- By September 15, ensure that each participant has entered their planned WSW activities into the global WSW calendar on this web site.
- Before World Space Week, provide your national media with this calendar and encourage them to publicize the national celebration.
- By December 1, ensure that each participant has updated their WSW calendar entries to include a brief summary of the results, attendance, and media impressions, and has uploaded the best photos of its WSW events to the World Space Week Flickr group. You will also be asked to provide a brief national summary to go into the UN WSW Annual Report.
Most space-related organizations will gladly participate in WSW if invited to do so, in order to be part of the largest annual public space event on Earth. So will many organizations outside the space sector, which can use space to promote itself, including consumer product firms, shopping centers, museums, etc. Through WSW, you offer these organizations an opportunity to link their brand to the excitement of space.
National coordinators should inform all such organizations about WSW, invite them to schedule events during October 4-10, and request that they keep you informed about what is planned and enter their events into the calendar. A similar process should be done with schools and teachers, letting them know that WSW is the ideal time each year to use space to excite students about learning.
When inviting organizations to participate, particularly those who conduct public or educational space related activities throughout the year, national coordinators should educate organizations about how to participate in WSW without any additional resources. First, participants can incorporate the WSW name and logo into existing space-related programs and publicity activities that are planned for the 4-10 October period. Secondly, they can reschedule to WSW programs that are planned for other dates. Many organizations will also, of course, plan exciting new events on the great occasion of World Space Week, but this is not necessary to participate.
Coordinators should find ways to get a message to as many schools and teachers as possible about WSW. This can be through web sites, email, direct mail, school districts, or even the ministry of education. Teachers should be encouraged to download free materials such as those available here and to use them during WSW.
To be effective, the national coordinator function is often performed by a committee with representatives from major participating organizations. This is something that you can build over time. This is also a way to keep the duties manageable by having a committee to share the workload.
To provide WSW information in one place, all participating organizations are requested to enter their planned WSW activities into the calendar on this web site. Coordinators should ensure that this occurs prior to WSW. After WSW, participants should update their calendar entries to include brief reports and upload photos to our Flickr group.
With assistance of its sponsors, WSWA offers other services to WSW national coordinators. This typically includes free copies of the WSW posters and other products. National coordinators are welcome to contact to request any assistance or ask any questions at any time.