Event ID: | 1944 |
Contact Name: | Margot Solberg |
Contact Email: | msolberg@cotopaxi.k12.ec |
Contact Phone: | 593-2-246-7411 |
Organization: | Academia Cotopaxi |
Event Web Site: | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYalSPUYS0E |
Dates: | 4th October 2009 to 10th October 2009 |
Physical Event: | |
Type: | School |
Start/End Type: | |
Country: | Ecuador |
State/Province: | Pichincha |
City: | Quito |
Address: | |
Location: | Academia Cotopaxi |
Event Name: | HERMES Delta live, real-time satellite images |
Event Description: | The objective is for students to download live, real-time images from NOAA satellites, using the HERMES ground station (in Delta Mode) in Ecuador, free software, and the classroom laptop. This event will be used as a jumping point for events throughout the school year, both in and - potentially - outside the classroom. This project was inspired through the Ecuadorian astronaut, Commander Ronnie Nadar, and the Ecuadorian Civil Space Agency (EXA), and is best described in this link from the Ecuadorian Space Agency: http://exa.ec/bp25/index-en.html. |
Promotional Image: | No Image. |
Report on the Results: | * Students in my second grade class, with teacher assistance, downloaded live NOAA satellite images, through the HERMES ground station in Guayaquil, Ecuador - known as HERMES Delta. This achievement was posted on the newly created Project Agora website, which includes participants from 6 continents: http://sites.google.com/site/projagora/. It was also posted on the University of Michigan website: http://raxlab.blogspot.com/. Lastly, as an international American school, the information was also published on Academia Cotopaxi website to share with the community: www.cotopaxi.k12.ec. This event was also shared with educators at the Association of American Schools in South America (AASSA)in October 2009. At this time the students continue to explore this new venue in their exploration of space and technology, and were also able to view a 3D (anaglyph) image. Future goals, as a result of what was achieved during World Space Week, are to: continue to explore real-time satellite imaging possibilities, experiment with educational possibilities within the classroom as well as with at least one neighboring school, stay in communication with other global participants,and include the local media whenever appropriate. The goal is to inspire students in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Through ongoing communication with the students, parents, teachers, school and community I am hopeful that this creative use of space in the classroom will inspire one and all. Later additions: As an extension, one student became so thrilled with our ongoing space activities that he submitted a video to a NASA web page describing why he felt that space exploration is important. You can see his video at: https://sites.google.com/site/projagora/announcements/projectagorastudentsforspaceexploration. Update: HERMES Delta satellite activities were shared with educators and administrators in South America during the AASSA (Association of American Schools in South America) during the October 2009 conference in Santiago, Chile. Update: Another local school, Colegio Menor, will send a class of students for a one day trip to our school to learn more about HERMES Delta though hands-on activities. As part of this exchange, my students will go on a field trip to their school to learn from their astronomy teacher. Update: A delegation from the Ecuadorian Space Agency and the Ecuadorian Air Force/Defense is currently planning to visit the classroom to see HERMES Delta in action in February. |
Attendance: | 18 |
Attendance is Unique: | |
Media Impressions: | 1000 |
Media Impressions are Unique: |
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