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  • This page shows the Events held during World Space Week 2023
  • The list contains 50 events per page. The links at the bottom of the page can be used to view other sections of the list.
  • The list is initially sorted sorted by country. 
  • Events with a 'Y' in the Map column indicate that the exact location of the event has been mapped.
  • A plot of the 2023 mapped events can be seen here: 2023 Mapped Events
  • Questions or problems using the calendar please email

Country State/Province City Event Name Map Details
Algeria Constantine Ali Mendjli Open doors on Sciences Event Details
Algeria Oran oran One planet among many Y Event Details
Angola LUANDA LUANDA Addressing SDGs and Entrepreneurship in the Space Sector Y Event Details
Anguilla Luanda Luanda Space and Entrepreneurship Y Event Details
Argentina CORDOBA FALDA DEL CARMEN El CETT abre sus puertas Y Event Details
Argentina Gran Buenos Aires Los Polvorines Observación Astronómica con Telescopios Event Details
Australia South Australia Adelaide Business Opportunities in Spacetech Event Details
Australia South Australia Brighton Exploring the Universe from your Backyard Y Event Details
Australia Victoria Melbourne Infinity and Beyond: Humanity and Space Y Event Details
Austria Styria Graz My satellite mission to ... Event Details
Austria Styria Schladming Space entrepreneurship (English) Y Event Details
Austria Vienna Vienna VISIONS Space and Art Event Details
Austria Vienna Vienna World Space Party! Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku ADA Senior Talks with Space Foundation Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Astronauts meeting with schoolchildren at Baku European Lyceum Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Cognitive Science and Space Travel Seminar at Baku branch of First Moscow State Medical University Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Discounts at Ali and Nino book stores Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Discounts at Libraff book stores Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Facebook Live Webinar: The Story of Romeo and Juliet: the Earth and Moon Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Female Factor with Prof. Pascale Ehrenfreund at CBC International Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Lecture on GIS at Khazar University Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Lecture on SmallSats at Azerbaijan Technical University Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Lunar Mission Simulation at School-lyceum 83 Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Meeting with astronauts at RUGIM Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Panel Discussion on SGAC's Drive for Innovation in NewSpace Era at French-Azerbaijani University Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Panel Discussion on Space and Entrepreneurship Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Pitch Deck Master class Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Radio Talk-Show at ASAN FM Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Seminar and Live radio-connection with ISS in Baku European Lyceum Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Space Colors Masterclass at school N 27 Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Space Industry Talks with D-Orbit at Baku Engineering University Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Space Law Workshop at BSU by Steven Hobe and Stephan Freeland Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Space Meetup by OffWorld and Astronaut Sara Sabry at BHOS Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Space Talk on the Search for Life in the Universe Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Startup Talk with Leanspace Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Stellar Debris Exploration: Detect, Monitor, and Analyze Workshop at NAA Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku The Space Science Symposium: Dialogue with Eminent Scientists at ASOIU Event Details
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Workshop by Space Foundation, WSWA, AzC Y Event Details
Azerbaijan Baku Baku IAC Lightning Talks - Shaping the Future of Female Entrepreneurship Y Event Details
Azerbaijan Baku Baku MOVIE NIGHT Y Event Details
Azerbaijan Baku Baku Panel Discussion on SGAC's Drive for Innovation in NewSpace Era at UFAZ Y Event Details
Azerbaijan Baku Baku Space through the eyes of children Drawing Competition by Bilim Baku Event Details
Azerbaijan baku Baku The role of satellite systems on the intelligent transport management Y Event Details
Bahrain None Manama Space Week Workshop Y Event Details
Bangladesh Rajshahi Bagha-Chandpur Rd. Celebration of World Space Week 2023 Y Event Details
Bangladesh Rajshahi Bagha-Lalpur Rd Celebration of World Space Week 2023 Y Event Details
Belarus Vitebsk region Vitebsk VI областной конкурс по астрономии ”Укажи путь звездолету“ Y Event Details
Belarus Minsk town of Maryina Gorka Non-Rocket Near Space Industrialization: Problems, Ideas, Projects (NRNSI 2023) Event Details
Bosnia and Herzegovina Amna Dervišagić Event Details
Brazil Palestra online: Eclipses Solares - seus tipos e suas curiosidades Event Details

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