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Event ID:  3537
Contact Name:  Adriano Aubert Silva Barros
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  55-(82)3315-3837
Organization:  Observatório Astronômico Genival Leite Lima - CeCiTE - SEE-AL
Event Web Site:
Dates:  4th October 2012 to 6th October 2012
Physical Event: 
Type:  Public
Start/End Type: 
Country:  Brazil
State/Province:  Alagoas
City:  Maceió
Location:  CeCiTE - CEPA, Av. Fernandes Lima, s/n, Farol,
Event Name:  Semana Mundial do espaço no CeCiTE - AL - Brasil
Event Description:  From 04 to 06 October 2012, the Observatório Astronômico Genival Leite Lima, component group of the Centro de Ciências e Tecnologia da Educação at the Secretara de Estado da Educação e do Esporte de Alagoas, Brasil, will be celebrating and participating in World Space Week. Program August 4 - Thursday 09:00 - Lecture "The conquest of space"; 09:40 - Rocket Launch; 10:00 - Lecture "The conquest of space"; 10:40 - Rocket Launch; 11:00 - Exhibition "Cosmic Landscapes" and "Man in Space" 15:00 - Lecture "The conquest of space"; 15:40 - Rocket Launch; 16:00 - Lecture "The conquest of space"; 16:40 - Rocket Launch; 17:00 - Exhibition "Cosmic Landscapes" and "Man in Space" 20:00 - Lecture "The conquest of space"; 20:40 - Rocket Launch; 21:00 - Exhibition "Cosmic Landscapes" and "Man in Space" August 5 - Friday 09:00 - Lecture "The conquest of space"; 09:40 - Rocket Launch; 10:00 - Lecture "The conquest of space"; 10:40 - Rocket Launch; 11:00 - Exhibition "Cosmic Landscapes" and "Man in Space" 15:00 - Lecture "The conquest of space"; 15:40 - Rocket Launch; 16:00 - Lecture "The conquest of space"; 16:40 - Rocket Launch; 17:00 - Exhibition "Cosmic Landscapes" and "Man in Space" 20:00 - Lecture "The conquest of space"; 20:40 - Rocket Launch; 21:00 - Exhibition "Cosmic Landscapes" and "Man in Space" August 5 - Saturday 09:00 - Exhibition "Cosmic Landscapes" and "Man in Space" 17:00 - Exhibition "Cosmic Landscapes" and "Man in Space" 20:00 - Lecture "The conquest of space"; 20:40 - Rocket Launch; 21:00 - Exhibition "Cosmic Landscapes" and "Man in Space"
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results: 
Attendance:  0
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  0
Media Impressions are Unique: 

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