Oct 4:Opening session for all the pupils (comprehensive school, senior high schol and day-care centres if they want to join) in the hall. Oct 5: Science presentation The Galactic Fires for all pupils (comprehensive school, senior high school and day-care centres if they want to join) in the hall. Oct 8: Science presentation The phenomena of the Space for all the pupils (comprehensive school, senior high school and day-care centres if they want to join) in the hall. Oct 9: Science and art in the summer high school under the title The Firefox af the Fell, a trilogy for all pupils (comprehensive school, senior high school and day-care centres if they want to join) in the main assembly hall. Oct 10: Science and some arts under the title The Sun and eight small planets' (comprehensive school, senior high school and day-care centres) starting in the hall. In the beginning session at 11:45- 12:30, there will be prizes given to pupils who have participated in the events in different way. After it the senior high school will go on with a science session at 12:30-13:30 in the video conferencing room.