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Event ID:  52938
Contact Name:  Natavan Hasanova
Contact Email:
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Organization:  Space Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Azercosmos)
Event Web Site:
Dates:  4th October 2022 to 10th October 2022
Physical Event:  Yes
Type:  Public
Start/End Type:  Both Starts and Ends During WSW
Country:  Azerbaijan
State/Province:  Azerbaijan
City:  Baku
Address:  9R6J+XR3, Shovkat Alakbarova
Location:  IB School Lyceum N6
Event Name:  Webinar with Charles Bolden, former Administrator of NASA, a former NASA astronaut
Event Description:  The webinar with a former Administrator of NASA, a retired United States Marine Corps Major General, and a former astronaut who flew on four Space Shuttle missions took place on October 4, 2022, at 5:30 PM in IB School Lyceum N6. Furthermore, pupils of others schools joined the webinar online, and it was an open event shared in Facebook for public to join for free. In the webinar organized together with the US Embassy in Baku, Charles Bolden informed schoolchildren about the Space race, Human Habitation on the International Space Station, ISS Public-Private Partnerships, Hubble Space and James Webb Space Telescopes, etc.
Promotional Image: 
Report on the Results:  Overall the event was a success. There were 20 offline and 44 participants joining the event. At the end of the webinar, the former astronaut answered the questions of the audience in the IB School Lyceum N6 as well as the audience joining online.
Attendance:  64
Attendance is Unique:  Yes
Media Impressions:  0
Media Impressions are Unique:  No

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