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Event ID:  53714
Contact Name:  António Maia
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  +351227331190
Organization:  Planetário de Espinho | Município de Espinho
Event Web Site:
Dates:  1st October 2022 to 10th October 2022
Physical Event:  Yes
Type:  Public
Start/End Type:  Both Starts and Ends During WSW
Country:  Portugal
State/Province:  Aveiro
City:  Espinho
Address:  Avenida 24, nº800, 4500-202 Espinho
Location:  Centro Multimeios de Espinho
Event Name:  Espinho No Espaço - Espinho In Space
Event Description:  All events take place at (or near) Centro Multimeios de Espinho. 1. Astronomical Observation,1st oct. | 20h to 22h (South Plaza): the Moon, planets Saturn and Jupiter, ISS, stargazing; free observation, dependent of favorable weather. --- 2. Planetarium Show ”Planeia a Tua Missão” | Design A Mission (premiere), 1st and 8th (Saturday) | 16h30 | ~45 min., general audience: a new session where the public has the opportunity to choose key aspects of a robotic mission searching for evidence of water in the Solar System. A different way to practice aerospace engineering in an interactive, playful and pedagogical way, in an immersive environment. --- 3. Workshop: “Constrói uma Cápsula Espacial” | Build a Space Capsule, 5th oct. (Wednesday) | 15h15 | ~2h15m duration: Introduction to space flight / NASA Artemis 1 Updates. Construction of a model of a space capsule with a functional parachute and practical recovery test. Audience: 8 years old or greater, adults, registration required until 2nd October.
Promotional Image: 
Report on the Results:  On the 1st October 2022 (Saturday) the Astronomical Observation Session was an activity with more than 100 participants looking at the night sky. For many, it was the first time ever looking through a telescope (10’’ Dobson + Mak127). People were deeply impressed by the game of light and shadows on the lunar surface (and how close it seemed to be, “almost like orbiting it”) and were also impressed with the overall level of detail seen in Jupiter and Saturn (some even asked, half-joking, if those images were “really real” or if they were being displayed by some sort of hidden mini-TV set). A high and bright passage of the International Space Station, above our observation spot, was an extra ‘WOW moment’ and another good opportunity to talk about space exploration and topics related with this year’s World Space Week Theme (Space and Sustainability). One example of several feedback from that night: “It was spectacular, my kids loved it. The [planetarium] people were very approachable and [the explanations and contextualization of what was being observed + telescopes] captured the attention of kids and adults alike. Thanks for the initiative. We will be on the lookout for more.” Earlier on that Saturday, happened the premiere of “Planeia A Tua Missão”, an adaptation to a 45 minutes live show by Espinho Planetarium @ Centro Multimeios, Portugal of “Design A Mission” (with original immersive videos by Charles Hayden Planetarium, Museum of Science, Boston). Both on that day and on the next Saturday (8th, October) the reaction of the audience was very positive: independently of ages (from kids to grown ups), everybody worked as a team to discuss and decide key aspects of a mission design in search for evidence of water in the Solar System and they all cheered up at the end, after anxiously waiting to see how their choices resulted and after exploring their intended target. During the Space Week 2022 this live-session was opened to the generic audience; after this occasion, and except other special events, it will be dedicated to the Espinho Planetarium’s Education Service (visits from schools). Last but not least, in what concerns the practical workshop (5th Oct, 13 participants) about building space capsules with functional parachutes, it was also a success: with a minimum age of 8 years old and no upper age limit, some parents decided to also participate (a good way to spend the afternoon of 5th October, holiday in Portugal). Independently of age, everyone had lots of fun learning about spaceflight and building and testing their own space capsule: all parachutes worked and provided several seconds of ‘flight time’! At the end, in a demonstration of the Action-Reaction principle, a number of water rockets were launched (with their own parachutes). During all these activities, there was also an exhibition, outside of the planetarium dome, with informative materials (posters, videos, 3D prints of the lunar surface, globes, spacecraft models) about observing the Moon (+projects Apollo / Artemis), Mars, Space Exploration (+Space Shuttle, International Space Station, Hubble Space Telescope). To conclude, our event page (please see above) has been updated with a facebook photo album about some of the mentioned activities (Observation Night + Space Capsules Workshop). All feedback we had (social networks, emails, presential) was extremely positive. Astronomy and Astronautics, Space related activities in general are always good science outreach opportunities for all ages.
Attendance:  185
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Media Impressions:  0
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