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Event ID:  54693
Contact Name:  Roberto Strauss - Coordenador
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  +55 (13) 9 9684-6780
Organization:  Astronomia Na Rua Santos ANRS
Event Web Site:
Dates:  4th October 2022 to 10th October 2022
Physical Event:  Yes
Type:  Public
Start/End Type:  Starts During WSW
Country:  Brazil
State/Province:  São Paulo
City:  Santos
Address:  Avenida Bartolomeu de Gusmão s/n - Boqueirão
Location:  Gibiteca Municipal de Santos
Event Description:  A Semana Mundial do Espaço é comemorada entre os dias 4 e 10 de Outubro de cada ano. Nosso evneto ocorrerá no dia 8 de Outubro - das 16:30h ás 20h na Gibiteca Municipal de Santos. Teremos Palestras e Observações Celestes com Telescópios. Se você é de Santos ou Cidades Próximas venha participar !!
Promotional Image: 
Report on the Results:  Our Group officially represented the City of Santos this year (2022) in two international events. Watch The Moon Night - NASA and World Space Week - WSW. Thanks to Prof Cristovão Jacques from SONEAR Observatory and YT Astroneo Channel (very good!! ) for the excellent Lecture on Artemis Project / Planetary Defense / DART Project. (We apologize for the unforeseen issue with our Internet at the end of the Lecture). Thanks to Narayana ADM from Gibiteca Santos for supporting the event. Thanks to Ned Oliveira from Canal YT-Podcast "Science Without End" (Space Today - Sérgio Saccani) with her children. Thanks to Juka de Oliveira from the PG Observatory who attended with the people from Praia Grande. Thanks to Daniel Yamaoka and Luciana, Regis and Samantha for supporting the event (couples always present at the Group's events) To friends Flávio Sotto and Karoh Rozen. Thanks to everyone who attended!! Until 2023!!
Attendance:  50
Attendance is Unique:  Yes
Media Impressions:  150
Media Impressions are Unique:  Yes

Event Years:  2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025

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