Event ID: | 63945 |
Contact Name: | Ivor Kuček |
Contact Email: | ivor.kucek@skole.hr |
Contact Phone: | |
Organization: | OŠ Petra Studenca |
Event Web Site: | http://os-pstudenca-kanfanar.skole.hr/ |
Dates: | 4th October 2023 to 10th October 2023 |
Physical Event: | Yes |
Type: | Public |
Start/End Type: | Starts During WSW |
Country: | Croatia |
State/Province: | Istra |
City: | Kanfanar |
Address: | Dvigradska 3 |
Location: | |
Event Name: | Svemir i poduzetništvo |
Event Description: | During the duration of WSW, we plan to acquaint fifth grade students with opportunities and relationships between objects in space, and for students to learn the difference between former space shuttle flights and today's commercial flights in cooperation with private entrepreneurs. |
Promotional Image: | No Image. |
Report on the Results: | U četvrtak, 5. listopada 2023. godine, smo na nastavi informatike, s učenicima šestog razreda, sudjelovali u projektu obilježavanja Svjetskog tjedna Svemira (4. – 10. listopada 2023. godine). Ovogodišnja tema bila je; Svemir i poduzetništvo. Željeli smo upoznati učenike i osvijestiti ih o održivom životu na Zemlji, njenom očuvanju, životnim uvjetima u Svemiru, kolonizaciji drugih planeta Sunčevog sustava (Marsa), upoznati ih s letovima u Svemir nekada i danas kada to čine većinom privatne tvrtke… Bilo je tu još niz interesantnih pitanja, a na sva nismo uspjeli odgovoriti. Nakon što su pogledali prezentaciju i odigrali kviz, učenici su dobili zadatak da odaberu slobodnu temu povezanu sa Svemirom, te istu istraže i prezentiraju na njima najdraži način. Učenici su se podijelili u grupe, te odabrali zadatke prema vlastitom interesu. Neki su odabrali izradu prezentacije, drugi referata, treći plakata, četvrti maketa. Kroz svoje radove su usvojili nova znanja i produbili postojeća, a kroz grupni rad su bolje upoznali jedni druge. Čestitke i pohvale svima koji su sudjelovali u Projektu. Neki su se zaista potrudili. On Thursday, October 5, 2023, we took part in a project to celebrate World Space Week (October 4-10, 2023) at the computer science class with sixth-grade students. This year's theme was; Space and entrepreneurship. We wanted to meet the students and make them aware of sustainable life on Earth, its preservation, living conditions in space, the colonization of other planets of the solar system (Mars), to introduce them to flights into space in the past and today when they are mostly done by private companies... There was more a number of interesting questions, and we were unable to answer them all. After watching the presentation and playing the quiz, the students were given the task of choosing a free topic related to the Universe, researching it and presenting it in their favorite way. The students were divided into groups and chose tasks according to their own interests. Some chose to create a presentation, others a report, others a poster, and a fourth a model. Through their work, they adopted new knowledge and deepened their existing knowledge, and through group work they got to know each other better. Congratulations and praise to everyone who participated in the Project. Some really tried. |
Attendance: | 7 |
Attendance is Unique: | Yes |
Media Impressions: | 0 |
Media Impressions are Unique: | Yes |
Event Years: 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024