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Event ID:  7655
Contact Name:  Saidbeg Kalandarov
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  +992907716557
Organization:  Mobile Planetarium DONISH
Event Web Site:
Dates:  3rd October 2014 to 9th October 2014
Physical Event: 
Type:  Public
Start/End Type: 
Country:  Tajikistan
City:  Dushanbe
Event Name:  World Space Week - Planetarium Show
Event Description:  During the whole week of October 4-10 from 11 a.m. till 4 p.m. in the National Museum- Osorkhonai milli at the National Flag you can join and participate in a World Space Week ( WSW) event with the First Digital Planetarium (Full Dome) shows in Tajikistan! Approximately half an hour full dome presentations created and granted by NASA and Carnegie center “Two small pieces of Glass, amazing telescope” and “IBEX” will be offered in English for groups of more than 10 people, by demand! You will hear Gagarin‟s original “Poekhali!”, Armstrong‟s first words after landing on the Moon as well as Legendary Tajik Radio speaker Burhon Rahmatov announcing the first space flight of the man, he will read/repeat it live! And, Yes, you can also participate with your photos, paintings, stories, experience and knowledge sharing with young and not so young visitors of the Greatest Space Event on Earth. As the Tajikistan Academy of Science Institute specialists, doctors and young researchers will do there with their lectures and talks about Tajikistan Astrophysics Institute history and work, their prominent achievements and Tajikistan Observatories! Take your children, students, families and friends to enjoy and benefit! Since the specific topic of the WSW this year is “Space- Guiding your way” those who have experience and knowledge to share about space satellite navigators GPS, Glonass , Galileo, Bei Dou are especially welcomed There is a possibility to agree a visit to the nearest Hissor Observatory in a suitable time! The World Space Week October 4 -10 from 11:00 in the National Museum – Osorkhonai Milli! With free planetarium presentations for all expat children-guests under 14! There will be Media to cover the event! For more information, please, contact Ahmad on + 992 907716557
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results:  The event took place in the National Museum of Tajikistan between 4th and 10th of October, 2014. Around 200 persons have attended the event. The event details were announced through Facebook, Dushanbe Post and Dushanbe Events and Activities Websites.
Attendance:  200
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  500
Media Impressions are Unique: 

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