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Event ID:  15852
Contact Name:  Janet Ivey Duensing
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  615-415-9785
Organization:  Janet\'s Planet, Inc
Event Web Site:
Dates:  4th October 2017 to 27th October 2017
Physical Event: 
Type:  On-line
Start/End Type: 
Country:  United States
State/Province:  Tennessee
City:  Nashville
Location:  Online
Event Name:  WORLD SPACE WEEK: Voyager Going InterStellar Poster Competition
Event Description:  The Voyager: Going Interstellar Poster Contest Submissions Open October 4th, Contest Ends October 27th Winners Announced November 1st at 12:00 GMT via YouTube LIVE on Contest: Students from every corner of the globe are invited to participate in the Voyager, Going Interstellar Poster Contest, as well as submitting what they would put on Carl Sagan’s Golden Phonographs in 2017 at this website: (Check out the cool contest at this site as well.) The Subject: In celebration of the Voyager program’s 40th anniversary, Voyager: Going Interstellar posters will be judged on content of the mission’s complete history, the discoveries of both spacecraft, and their timelines. Devise and design your own poster/infographic. Eligibility: All students from every nation, 6 -18 years of age, are encouraged to participate. Criteria: One entry per student All entries must be the student’s own, original work Poster dimensions must be within 56cm x 72cm, 22in x 28in Rules: Uploaded Submissions accepted NO LATER THAN midnight October 27 th, GMT All submissions become the property of Janet’s Planet All artistic mediums may be used for content All illustrations and text must be readable from a distance of 1-meter Once winners are chosen, the original poster MUST be shipped to Janet’s Planet headquarters in Tennessee, Janet’s Planet, Inc. 110 Glancy Street, Goodlettsville, TN, 37075 USA and be received no later than December 1, 2017 Prizes: 1 Grand Prize – One week all-expense paid trip for to attend NASA’s Space Camp 2018* 1 First Place Prize – Celestron Telescope (Valued at $500 US) 5 Runner Up Prizes – A personalized, autographed copy of Blueprint for a Battlestar, by Rod Pyle 100 honorable mention posters streamed on the Voyager: Going Interstellar website at How to enter: Send email with one uploaded picture in jpeg format to: Entries will only be accepted with the following items: In the subject of the email—enter your home country, and city In the content of the email, include ONLY the following: Student full name Student age, grade, and name of school Guardian name, and email address If chosen as one of our winners, we will correspond with the student’s guardian to confirm details and shipping addresses. *Prize includes expenses for one guardian to accompany grand prize winner.
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results: 
Attendance:  0
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  0
Media Impressions are Unique: 

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