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  • This page shows the Events held during World Space Week 2024
  • The list contains 50 events per page. The links at the bottom of the page can be used to view other sections of the list.
  • The list is initially sorted sorted by country. 
  • Events with a 'Y' in the Map column indicate that the exact location of the event has been mapped.
  • A plot of the 2024 mapped events can be seen here: 2024 Mapped Events
  • Questions or problems using the calendar please email

Country State/Province City Event Name Map Details
Algeria Web Talk on "Asteroid Impact: Catalysts of Climatic Chaos" Event Details
Algeria Algiers Bab Ezzouar World space week Y Event Details
Algeria bab ezzouar Algiers Space Weather and Its Effects on Earth’s Climate Event Details
Algeria Constantine Constantine 100 hours of Astronomy Y Event Details
Algeria Constantine Constantine Astronomy and Spectroscopy Science Workshop Event Details
Algeria Constantine Constantine Open doors on Sciences 2024 Event Details
Algeria Constantine Constantine Talk on "Research on habitable planets and The Possibility of Life in the Universe" Event Details
Algeria Constantine Constantine Talk on "Research on habitable planets and The Possibility of Life in the Universe" Y Event Details
Algeria Constantine Constantine Workshop on "Solar Activity and Telescopes" Event Details
Algeria Constantine Constantine Workshops "Solar System and how to observe them" Event Details
Algeria Elkhroub Constantine Talk: "Astronomy and Space" Y Event Details
Algeria eloeud debila الفضاء والفلك للكشافة Y Event Details
Algeria ِConstantine Constantine Talk and Workshops Y Event Details
Angola Bengo Caxito Palestras marcam Semana Mundial do Espaço no Bengo Y Event Details
Angola Benguela Benguela Benguela celebra a Semana Mundial do Espaço Y Event Details
Angola Bié Cuito Wokshop sobre o Espaço e Mudanças Climáticas Event Details
Angola cabinda Cabinda Cabinda celebra Semana Mundial do Espaço 2024 Y Event Details
Angola Cuando Cubango Menongue Cuando Cubango celebra Semana Mundial do Espaço Y Event Details
Angola Cuanza-Sul Sumbe Impacto das tecnologias espaciais para o melhoramento da condição humana Y Event Details
Angola Cunene Ondjiva Cunene celebra Semana Mundial do Espaço Y Event Details
Angola Huambo Huambo Semana Mundial do Espaço no Huambo Y Event Details
Angola Huila Lubango 400 Crianças aprendem sobre tecnologia espacial na Huíla na Semana Mundial do Espaço Y Event Details
Angola Kwanza-Norte N´dalatando Kwanza Norte-Semana Mundial do Espaço Y Event Details
Angola Luanda Luanda Os impactos da tecnologia espacial e da exploração espacial na vida quotidiana Y Event Details
Angola Luanda Luanda Palestra sobre os “Benefícios da tecnologia espacial” Event Details
Angola Luanda Luanda Semana Mundial do Espaço - Mudanças Climáticas Y Event Details
Angola Luanda/Angola Luanda Benefícios da tecnologia espacial no quotidiano Event Details
Angola Luanda/Angola Luanda O espaço e as mudanças climáticas Y Event Details
Angola Lunda-Sul Saurimo Lunda Sul celebra Semana Mundial do Espaço Y Event Details
Angola Malange Malange Semana Mundial do Espaço em Malanje Y Event Details
Angola Moxico Luena Moxico celebra Semana Mundial do Espaço Y Event Details
Angola Namibe Moçamedes SME 2024: Universidade do Namibe inaugura curso Turismo Sustentável Y Event Details
Angola Uige Uige Semana Mundial do Espaço celebrada no Uíge Y Event Details
Angola Zaire Zaire Semana Mundial do Espaço no Zaire Y Event Details
Argentina Buenos Aires Chivilcoy Actividades por la Semana Mundial del Espacio Y Event Details
Argentina Corrientes CURUZU CUATIA Space and climate change Y Event Details
Australia Moonhack Event Details
Australia QLD Brisbane Space Technology, Diversity, and Sustainability Breakfast Y Event Details
Australia Queensland South Bank, Brisbane Orbiting Opportunities Evening: Bridging Innovation and Defence in Australia's Space Future Y Event Details
Australia Queensland Toowoomba Festival of Astronomy and Space - Curious Kids - All Your Space Questions Answered! Y Event Details
Australia Queensland Toowoomba Festival of Astronomy and Space - Festival Keynote Talk - When Galaxies Collide Y Event Details
Australia Queensland Toowoomba Festival of Astronomy and Space - Festival Talk - A comet's tale Y Event Details
Australia Queensland Toowoomba Festival of Astronomy and Space - Festival Talk - Space Instruments Y Event Details
Australia Queensland Toowoomba Global Space Challenge (Year 7&8) Event Details
Australia Tasmania Launceston Celebrating World Space Week: What would it take to live on Mars? Event Details
Australia Victoria Melbourne Artificial Sky (Exhibition) Event Details
Austria Cosmic Messages Event Details
Austria Oberösterreich Linz World Space Week @ AEC powered by ESERO Austria Y Event Details
Austria Styria Graz Measuring Glaciers with Satellite Data Y Event Details

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