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Event ID:  2387
Contact Name:  DOBRE ILEANA
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  +40721312977
Organization:  Mihai Viteazul
Event Web Site: 
Dates:  4th October 2010 to 8th October 2010
Physical Event: 
Type:  School
Start/End Type: 
Country:  Romania
State/Province:  Dambovita
City:  Targoviste
Location:  Prof. Alexandru Vasilescu nr.1
Event Name:  Descoperim misterele Universului
Event Description:  Şcoala „Mihai Viteazul” din Targoviste va sărbători Săptămâna Mondială a Spaţiului Cosmic, editia 2010 prin câteva activităţi: sesiuni de informare, expozitii de machete, calatorii virtuale, scenete ( „Planetele si cosmonautii” si „Vizita…in Univers”). Elevii claselor a III-a D si a VII-a C indrumati de d-nele prof. Ileana Dobre, Luminita Bobes si d-na inv. Alina Popa au fost extrem de entuziasti si receptivi, s-au transformat in mici cercetatori, in mici astronauti, au realizat afisul evenimentului, postere, pliante, ecusoane, compoziţii plastice, colaje, eseuri, machete spaţiale. S-a organizat si un carnaval spatial, unde elevii au venit costumati in planete, stele si ... martieni! Costumele au fost confectionate din materiale reciclabile. „Mihai Viteazul” School in Targoviste will celebrate „The World Week of the Space”, 2010 edition, organizing some activities: informational session, craft exhibitions, imaginary journays, plays („The Planets and the Astronauts” and „ A visit into...Space”). 3rd D and 7th C forms pupils helped by Alina Popa – teacher for primary school - Ileana Dobre – physics teacher and Luminita Bobes - chemistry teacher – were extremely enthusiastic and receptive turning themselves into litlle explorers and astronauts. They made the poster of this event, other posters, badges, art works, craft works, essays, miniatural space ships. There was a space carnival, too and the pupils were dressed up as planets, stars and.....martians! The costumes were made of recyclable objects.
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results:  În perioada 4-8 octombrie în Scoala „Mihai Viteazul” Targoviste s-au derulat urmatoarele activităţi: - Popularizarea Saptamanii Mondiale a Spatiului Cosmic în şcoală şi înscrierea activitatilor in programul scolii. - Expoziţie de colaje şi machete “Sistemul Solar”. - Program artistic: ora de poezie in care astrele au fost muzele de inspiratie pentru Eminescu, Alecsandri, Bacovia si ora de teatru cand elevii au prezentat scenetele „Planetele si cosmonautii” si „Vizita…in Univers”. - Organizarea unui carnaval spatial, unde elevii au venit costumati, jucand rolul diferitelor elemente ale Universului. - Expozitie de afise, postere, pliante, eseuri cu tema evenimentului ”Misterele cosmosului”, premiantii fiind recompensati cu diplome. In final elevii si-au exprimat dorinta de a participa si cu alte ocazii la manifestari de acest gen, deoarece activitatile desfasurate au avut un impact deosebit atat asupra celor implicati, dar si a invitatilor si a celorlalti elevi ai Scolii „Mihai Viteazul”. Between 4th – 8th October in „Mihai Viteazul” School the following activities took place: - The popularisation of World Week of the Space into the school and including the activities into the school schedule - Craft and Art exhibition „The Solar System” - Show time: poems in which poets like Eminescu, Alecsandri, Bacovia were inspired by the stars and the theatre – the pupils acted in plays like („The Planets and the Astronauts” and „ A visit into...Space”) - A space carnival, were the pupils were disguised, acting as different parts of the Universe - Posters, brochures and essays exhibition winners got diplomas At the end of this event the pupils expres desire to take part in other events like this, because the activities had a great impact on the pupils and also on the guests and other pupils in „Mihai Viteazul” School.
Attendance:  50
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Media Impressions:  0
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