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Event ID:  26940
Contact Name:  Zolana Rui João
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  222728234
Organization:  Angolan Management Office for the National Space Program (GGPEN)
Event Web Site:
Dates:  4th October 2019 to 10th October 2019
Physical Event:  Yes
Type:  Public
Start/End Type:  Starts During WSW
Country:  Angola
State/Province:  Luanda
City:  Luanda
Location:  Bloco D, Parque do saber do MTTI, CTT, bairro km 7, Rangel
Event Name:  Semana Mundial do Espaço - Angola
Event Description:  Since Angola have in place a space strategy 2016-2025, and we are currently building ANGOSAT-2. This year there is a great interest in promoting the capacition at Primary schools building through knowledge transfer. We aim to reach over 3000 children from 6 to 14 years of age nationwide with diverse activities. From the 04th to the 09th of October, we intend to Interact with the primary schools, after prior contact with them to get them envolved in the activities, by using the 3rd edition of the drawn band with space contents, plus some ideas that each school can adopt in their own instituion; On the 10th of October, have a closing event where we will invite all the Institutions that participated and have something to show as a result of the previous days of activities and make an exposition of the best works presented). on this particular day, we plan to host a closing ceremony and plan to invite also, high authorities, the media and other entities of great impact for our event.
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Report on the Results:  As part of the celebrations of the World Space Week (WSW), and in response to the invitation of the GGPEN, the different educational institutions in the country carried out various activities between October 4th - 10th of this year. The following is a summary of the institutions that participated in the WSW. a) Activity at Lueji A'Nkonde University On 4 October, the Lunda Sul Polytechnic Higher School (ESPLS), gave a lecture under the lemma: “University and Space” with the objective of promoting educational activities in the institution, alluding to World Space Week. It was also presented a Theater, entitled “A Lesson of Astronomy”, by the students of the General Education of the Portuguese School in Lunda Sul. While the activity was taking place in the amphitheater, in the hall of the amphitheater an exhibition was made with photos that also demonstrated the course and evolution of the Space Industry. The photographs were reproduced by ESPLS, while the rockets were made by the students in General Education in order to instruct the little ones and introduce them into the space world. The general activity was attended by approximately 256 participants. b) Activity at the Luz Divina College On October 7th, technicians from the National Space Program Management Office traveled to Luz Divina College to join the academic institution with nearly 260 children and Secondary students (grades 7 through 9) to celebrate the festivities of World Space Week. The activity began with a lecture for primary education (1st grade through 6th grade), following the following approaches: • What is World Space Week (SME) • SME International Theme: The Moon: Gateway to the Stars o Space Exploration with emphasis on artificial satellites • Short approach about: A day without satélites • Short approach about small satellites focusing on Angolan Cansat. c) Activity at ISUTIC On October 8th, ISUTIC gave a lecture, on the theme: “Small Satellites” for students totaling approximately 300 participants. During the lecture the following topics were covered: • Definition of small satellites and their classification by mass; • CANSAT etymology of the word and its classification by mass; • Typical CANSAT Missions and Advantages; • Mission chosen by the ISUTIC team participating in the course (Primary Mission Reading the amount of CO in the air and the secondary capture of aerial photos); • Constitution of Subsystems, the process of assembly and construction of CANSAT; • CANSAT Testing and Launching; • Telemetry presentation and photos taken during the CANSAT mission. d) Activity at the Luena Private Higher Polytechnic Institute (ISPP-Luena) This institution performed on 09 this month a workshop to celebrate the date, sharing and reflection of themes related to the conquest of space, satellites and their applications, as well as small satellites (Cansats). The workshop was centered on the lecture on the topic “Satellites and their applications” where a reflection was made on what would be the life of today's man without satellites for a day, as well as the identification of the advantages of their use and the approach on the small satellites highlighting the Angolan Cansat. The event was attended by 38 academics. e) Activity of the Scientist Kandengues This institution performed on October 10 at the “SEAKA Center” host home in ways that will bring space technology to the most disadvantaged. The Kandengues scientists presented the following topics: what would be the planet Earth without the moon, solutions to mitigate the problem of space debris, rocket types, solar system design, sputnik design, projects robotics, space games and animation about a day without the moon. The event had approximately 200 children.
Attendance:  1130
Attendance is Unique:  No
Media Impressions:  5
Media Impressions are Unique:  Yes

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