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Event ID:  2868
Contact Name:  VietAstro
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  +84 918 19 05 07
Organization:  Ho Chi Minh City Amateur Astronomy Club (HAAC)
Event Web Site:
Dates:  1st April 2011 to 10th October 2011
Physical Event: 
Type:  On-line
Start/End Type: 
Country:  Vietnam
State/Province:  Ho Chi Minh Municipality
City:  Ho Chi Minh City
Location:  Ho Chi Minh City
Event Name:  Translated series about 'History of Space Exploration and Technology' on VietAstro forum
Event Description:  "50 năm chinh phục không gian" - Tuần lễ Vũ trụ thế giới 2011 *Time: June 1st - October 1st, 2011 *On website and forum
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results:  There are over 25 threads on VietAstro forum, administrated by Ho Chi Minh City Amateur Astronomy Club (HAAC) at the address (mostly Vietnamese) discussing about the history of space exploring. All of the above threads located in box "Space Exploration and Technology", talked about space projects, programs worldwide, from Vostok to Apollo, from Kibo to Sanzhou, etc. Those information helps readers systematize their knowledge about a glory slice of history of human kind. 25 topics with more than 200 translated posts provide the forum members, subscribers and guests a full source of information from trusted URLs of NASA, ESA, JAXA, UNOOSA, etc. Furthermore, the box always update latest news, from the retirement of shuttle team to the problem of Soyuz to ISS. Altogether, those knowledge enhance the fire of love for astronomy of Ho Chi Minh City Amateur Astronomy Club (HAAC) members and all Vietnamese astronomy enthusiasts.
Attendance:  0
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  700000
Media Impressions are Unique: 

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