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Event ID:  33566
Contact Name:  michiharu kato
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  090-2773-8448
Organization:  Pangaea
Event Web Site:  http://www.
Dates:  14th October 2019 to 10th October 2019
Physical Event:  Yes
Type:  Public
Start/End Type:  Starts During WSW
Country:  Japan
State/Province:  Shizuoka
City:  Numazu
Address:  Shigenobu Building 4-2-11 Otemachi
Location:  syubou kawasemi
Event Name:  Shouting "Sake Love" at the center of the universe
Event Description:  A big story in a small tavern. Want to talk about the universe? The universe is the last frontier If you're dreaming, it's space.
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results: 
Attendance:  0
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  0
Media Impressions are Unique: 

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