The Mufulira Teacher Training College is a college offering science and art based diploma programmes and certificates. It is located in Mufulira town. A visit to the college was arranged with the aim of spreading knowledge about space science to the student. It was a one afternoon event. There were presentations about space science and technology, the works of Space Generation Advisory Council and the science programmes being currently offered by the Copperbelt University. The visiting team comprised the School of Mathematics Assistant Dean, Mr Webby Miyoba, The Space Generation Advisory Council Africas Regiuonal Coordinator Mr Prospery C. Simpemba, the head of Biological Sciences at CBU Dr Moola Mutondo, the staff development fellow Mr Elvis Sikapizye and the Space Generation Advisory Council National Point of Contact for Zambia Mr. Misheck Mutuzana.
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Report on the Results:
The Science outreach team was received at the college by the Vice Principal and later led to the college hall where all activities took place. At this event, the Space Generation Club was launched by the SGAC Regional Coordinator for Africa. It attracted over 150 students.