Event ID: | 3495 |
Contact Name: | David Villanueva Cardenas |
Contact Email: | galeriapaulet@gmail.com |
Contact Phone: | (151) 9 99 29 99 59 |
Organization: | Asociación Peruana de Astronomía & ORANIA Society |
Event Web Site: | http://www.apa.com.pe/ |
Dates: | 7th October 2012 to 7th October 2012 |
Physical Event: | |
Type: | Public |
Start/End Type: | |
Country: | Peru |
State/Province: | Lima/Lima |
City: | Lima |
Address: | |
Location: | |
Event Name: | Activities to promote space sciences ::: PERU 2012 |
Event Description: | Planetary of Lima and Orania Society are organizing “Activities to promote space sciences: Peru 2012” on October 7th, 2012 at Planetary of Lima auditorium (conferences and demonstrations). Professionals and students of various universities, institutes and other organizations of Peru are expected to attend the event. Admission is free but you must reserve your seats in advance (galeriapaulet@gmail.com) More details visit:www.galeriapaulet.blogspot.com *************************************************** El Planetario de Lima y la Sociedad Orania están organizando “Actividades para promover la ciencias espaciales: Peru 2012” el próximo 7 de octubre, 2012 en el auditorio del Planetario de Lima (conferencias y demostraciones). Profesionales y estudiantes de varias universidades, institutos y otras organizaciones del Perú se espera participen en el evento. El ingreso es libre pero debes reservar tu asiento con anticipación (correo electrónico galeriapaulet@gmail.com) Mas detalles visite: www.galeriapaulet.blogspot.com |
Promotional Image: | No Image. |
Report on the Results: | PRESS RELEASE / SUMMARY Peru participated with 12 conferences in the World Space Week 2012:: 12 Peruvians gave lectures on scienceand space technology on the first Sunday in October at the Planetarium and Observatory, Chorrillos, Lima-Peru. *"... Astronomy is the most beautiful moment of the human spirit and the noble title of his intelligence ... "(Pierre Simon Laplace)* World Space Week is an international celebration of science and technology which established the United Nations in 1999. Held annually from 4 to October 10 commemorating the launch of Sputnik (10/04/1957)and the publication of the Space Treaty (10/10/1967),in Peru the central day was October 7 commemoratingthe date of publication of the letter on the rocket engine and aircraft invention of the engineer Pedro E.Paulet (El Comercio 7/10/1927). The activity was self-managed and organized by the Peruvian Association of Astronomy (APA), Digisatel and the National Organization for Support Aerospace Research (ORANIA). For this year, was prepared tributes, conferences and exhibitions between 4 and 10 October and the principal day was held on Sunday October 7 from 9:00 am to 01:00 pm in the auditorium of the Planetarium and Observatory Lima (Morro Solar in Chorrillos). The central event was a rich program that began with the tributes. The first in honor to the astronaut Neil Armstrong (the first man on the moon) and the second to Peter E. Paulet (first scientist that create a liquid propellant rocket engine that allowed the man reach the Moon). Concluded the tributes, went to exhibitions of models of spacecraft and rockets by Ms. Karen Sercado (UNMSM). After that a presentation of the originaltelescope used by the famous writer Ricardo Palma, a reading activity of the Space Treaty and a literatureexhibition on Space Sciences by Mr. Jaime Valle (UNI Astronomy Group friend). After the presentations began the first lecture was on "History of the Observatory of Harvard U. Carmen Alto" by the APA President Dr. Javier Ramirez who presented various files of the time in order to draw attention to reassess thelegacy of Carmen Alto. Then it was the turn of President ProMarina, Cap. Navy ® Jorge Guerrero, who delivered a special award plaque to the APA for the achievement of having named the asteroid 4443 (1985RD4) withthe surname of the founding partner of Mr. Pedro Paulet of PROMARINA. Continued the third: "Photographing the sky from the city" by the Manuel Rojas, a member of the APA and the Astronomical League Iberoamericana (LIADA),who made an educational exhibition with examples of their own urban astronomical observations. Following exposure to the role of the fourth conference heard "Science Fiction and its contributions to space exploration" by the Director of the Museum Ricardo Palma, Mr. Guillermo Guedes, who demonstrated how science fiction is a precursor of the great most current technology. Addition Mr. Guedes read a preview to his literary text "2032: A Space Adventure" that charm and captivated the public. Then continued fifth conference on "Business Opportunities in Space", in charge of Mr. Rolando Villanueva, a member of APA and National Coordinator of the World Space Week (2007-2009)who explained the benefits of entering the business category of nano-satellites (CubeSats) and satellite images. The sixth conference was on "The Geomagnetism in Peru", in charge of Mr. Domingo Rosales, Member ofthe Geophysical Institute of Peru, who explained and demonstrated the contributions and importance of Huancayo Observatory. Then the seventh conference "Pedro E. Paulet: Astronomer "by the architect David Villanueva (National Volunteer Coordinator of the World Space Week 2012) who showed a preview with historical facet Paulet astronomer and proposed thesis Paulet denote the "First modern astronomer in Peru” because of his early connection with the Society of Astronomical Paris since 1897. The eighth conference was on" The Bosson Higgs "by journalist Gustavo Durand, editor of our supplement of Science & Technology (Diario La Primera) who explained in detail concepts and examples ofastronomical science and the importance of scientificthought. It also featured two simultaneous virtual presentations, the first "First Capital Lima CTI South American" by the architect Harry Orsos (Insitute Peru 2040) who presented his proposal to make it more attractive, massive and immersive CTi topics throughout the population and finally the conference "Summary of Astronomical Friday the 70's" by Mr. Miguel Angel Vazquez. The meeting concluded with the words of the Presidentof ORANIA Commander ® Dr. Lorenzo M. Vargas, Peruvianscientist with 40 years as a NASA member who congratulated the APA by the appointment of the asteroid Paulet and read out the project that has been promoting for several years to name the Sea of Tranquility on the Moon as Sea of Tranquility of Pedro E. Paulet. From these lines we thank each of the participants, the media and the various participating institutions whose support have come true World Space Week:Peru 2012 and we invite you to visit the event summary (photos, poster, speeches, banners, etc) on the website www. galeriapaulet.blogspot.com Chorrillos, October 7, 2012 Arq. David Villanueva (Member ProMarina, ORANIA, APA) National Volunteer Coordinator of the World Space Week 2012 http://www.worldspaceweek.org/countries.php http://www.apa.com.pe/ galeriapaulet@gmail.com |
Attendance: | 50 |
Attendance is Unique: | |
Media Impressions: | 200 |
Media Impressions are Unique: |
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