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Event ID:  4538
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Contact Phone:  +61 2 9217 0111
Organization:  Powerhouse Museum
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Dates:  4th October 2013 to 6th October 2013
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Type:  Public
Start/End Type: 
Country:  Australia
State/Province:  New South Wales
City:  Ultimo
Location:  500 Harris Street
Event Name:  World Space Week Celebrations at the Powerhouse Museum
Event Description:  Join us over the Labour Day long weekend (Saturday 5 – Monday 7 October) as we celebrate the World Space Week theme of “"Exploring Mars, Discovering Earth". There will be a range of free talks and demonstrations over the weekend. All are free with Museum entry. Talk: Exploring Mars Date: Saturday 5 October Time: 2pm Since the 19th century, people have been fascinated with the idea that there might be life on Mars, so much so that Mars was one of the earliest targets for planetary exploration with space probes. Fifty years on, Mars still holds endless scientific and cultural interest, with both orbiters and roving vehicles now exploring the planet, and more to come over the next decade. In this talk, Kerrie Dougherty, the museum's Curator of Space Technology, will take you on a journey through the history of Mars exploration. Find out about the increasingly sophisticated robotic explorers that have revealed the secrets of the Red Planet to us and may soon answer that question of whether or not there is, or was, life on Mars. Demonstration: Apollo 11 Seismometer Demonstration Date: Sunday 6 October Time: 10am – 12noon, 1pm – 3pm (TBC) The Apollo 11 astronauts deployed a seismometer on the moon. The seismometer picked up their footfalls as they walked on the moon doing experiments, gathering samples and taking photographs. The signal was received on earth and the seismogram of the moonwalk was generated on drum and chart recorders. Join Trevor Dalziell, Geoscience Australia as he uses the real data from JAXA (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) and reporduces the seismogram on a drum recorder similar to that which produced the very first lunar seismogram. Talk: What does a Rocket Scientist do in Australia when Australia doesn't launch rockets? Date: Sunday 6 October Time: 2pm Dr Naomi Mathers is the Industry Liaison Engineer at the ANU Advanced Instrumentation and Technology Centre (AITC), a new national facility for the assembly, integration and test of space-based instruments and small spacecraft. She's a space engineer who has worked in the industry her whole career but she's never launched a rocket. Naomi will talk about her early work in inflatable antennas, her passion for space education, and some of the exciting space projects the AITC is involved in. Demonstration: Mars Yard Date: Saturday 5 – Monday 7 October Time: check for demonstration times on arrival Meet one of the University of NSW research students in the Museums Mars Yard and find out about their research work. Demonstration: Mars Rover Date: Saturday 5 – Monday 7 October Time: check for demonstration times on arrival Find out about the Mars Rover from one of the Museum’s volunteer enthusiasts. Demonstration: Satellite Launch Date: Saturday 5 – Monday 7 October Time: check for demonstration times on arrival Satellite launching activity – helpers of all ages needed! Come along and find out more from one of the Museum volunteer enthusiasts. Activity: Zoe’s Family Space Trail Date: Saturday 5 – Monday 7 October Zoe has created a space trail for families to use in the Space exhibition! Make sure you pick up your free copy from Admissions on arrival!
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results: 
Attendance:  0
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  0
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