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Event ID:  4623
Contact Name:  Astronomski centar Rijeka (Astronomical centre Rijeka)
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  00385 51 455 700
Organization:  Astronomski centar Rijeka, Rijeka sport L.t.D.
Event Web Site:
Dates:  4th October 2013 to 10th October 2013
Physical Event: 
Type:  Public
Start/End Type: 
Country:  Croatia
State/Province:  Primorsko - Goranska County
City:  Rijeka
Location:  Astronomski centar Rijeka
Event Name:  World Space Week - Exploring Mars, Discovering Earth
Event Description:  Astronomical centre Rijeka will hold events and special evening programs during October 4-10 and join&promote the World Space Week. For wide public there will be presented the new extraordinary planetarium live show "Curiosity Discovers" (4-6 October at 7,30 pm), dadicated to the the World Space Week 2012 Theme – Exploring Mars, Discovering Earth. During the planetarium show to the large public will be presented: the video of Curiosity landing on Mars, the aims of rover mission and a brief rundown of Curiosity's top achievements. Astronomical centre Rijeka and Team Stellar from International Google LunarX Prize Competition will have presentation of "Google Lunar X Prize and the future of Mining in Space“ (5 October, 8,30 pm). This presentation will be open to everybody interested to find out more about the Google Lunar X Prize Competition, in particulary on the Team Stellar that will open the prospect of eventually extracting resources from the moon, asteroids or other planets through space mining. For the first time in Croatia, Team Stellar will present also the new project "Baloon Stellar - Stratosfera" that will involve the secondary school students in experiments that will be launched by Stellar balloons on 30 km altitude and back with expecting results to analyze. In collaboration with the local school „Turnić“ there will be organised a woorkshop „Exploring Earth and Mars“. The internet and library research on both Planets will able the student groups to immagine and to create a poster that describes the caracteristics of Eart and Mars and compare them. The regular program of the Astronomical centre Rijeka is held from Friday to Thursday (on Tuesday 8th October, the Center will be closed for national holiday) at 7.30 pm. with the planetarium film "Mission: Mars" and the live shows "From Earth to Space" (Fridays at 7.30 pm.) and "A Guide to the Night Sky – Autumn" (Fridays at 9 pm.). During the morning on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurstday and Saturday (11 am.) on the program are live planetarium shows for the kindergarten, elementary and high school kids.
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results: 
Attendance:  0
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  0
Media Impressions are Unique: 

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