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Event ID:  46467
Contact Name:  Departamento de Física Matemática - IFUSP
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Contact Phone:  (11) 3091-6992
Organization:  Departamento de Física-Matemática - Instituto de Física da USP
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Dates:  4th October 2021 to 10th October 2021
Physical Event:  No
Type:  Other
Start/End Type:  Both Starts and Ends During WSW
Country:  Brazil
Event Name:  Colóquio: QCD parameters for Standard Model precision physics
Event Description:  Data: Segunda-feira, 4 Outubro, 2021 - 16:00 até 17:00 Palestrante: Prof. Diogo Boito (IFSC-USP/ University of Vienna) The theoretical precision of many crucial observables in the Standard Model is nowadays limited by our knowledge of QCD parameters. This is the case, for example, in Higgs physics. Determining the strong coupling and quark masses with smaller uncertainties is therefore a fundamental task in order to match the reduced errors expected on the experimental side with the advent of future facilities, such as the FCC-ee and HL-LHC. Obtaining the QCD parameters is not a straightforward task, since they are not physical observables, as they depend on renormalization conventions: theory input is as important as experimental data. I will discuss recent developments in the precise determination of the strong coupling and heavy-quark masses, with emphasis on taming the intrinsic error associated with the truncation of the perturbative series in QCD and its interplay with non-perturbative physics.
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Attendance:  0
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Media Impressions:  0
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