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Event ID:  5171
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Organization:  Vocational Secondary School of Electronics \\
Event Web Site:  http://www.
Dates:  9th October 2013 to 10th October 2013
Physical Event: 
Type:  School
Start/End Type: 
Country:  Bulgaria
City:  Veliko Tarnovo
Event Name:  Eyes in the Stars
Event Description:  We are going to show the "Eyes on the Skies" film to some students from our school and have a discussion on relevant topics afterwards.
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results:  The proposed film proved to be very interesting to the selected attendance.All the students from grades 8 to 12 showed interest in the subjectof the emergence of the universe and some 12 graders even suggested watching other relevant clips on the Internet.
Attendance:  85
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  0
Media Impressions are Unique: 

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