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Event ID:  52877
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Contact Phone:  0884321400
Organization:  Australian Space Discovery Centre
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Dates:  9th October 2022 to 9th October 2022
Physical Event:  Yes
Type:  Public
Start/End Type:  Both Starts and Ends During WSW
Country:  Australia
State/Province:  South Australia
City:  Adelaide
Address:  Lot Fourteen Ground floor, McEwin Building Cnr Frome Road and, North Terrac
Location:  Australian Space Discovery Centre
Event Name:  Australis OSCAR 5: Australia’s First Student Built Satellite
Event Description:  On Sunday 9th October to celebrate World Space Week we'll be taking a look back at Australia's space history with the story behind Australia's first student-built satellite, Australis OSCAR 5. In the 1960's, a group of students at the University of Melbourne embarked on an impressive endeavour, to build Australia's first satellite. In the face of adversity and obstacles, that students rarely must overcome, they saw their satellite launched by NASA in 1970. Although much has changed for Owen Mace and Richard Tonkin since then, one thing has stayed the same, their passion for space. Join Australia's leading space historian Kerrie Dougherty in conversation with Owen and Richard as they uncover the story of passion and perseverance behind one of Australia's first satellites and the different challenges that would affect students attempting the same mission today, over 50 years on. Hosted by the Australian Space Discovery Centre, attend this one-time event in person or online. This will run for 45 minutes to an hour with time for questions. Those attending in person will also have the opportunity for one-on-one discussion with Owen and Richard afterwards as well as explore the rest of what the Discovery Centre has to offer. Book for free via Trybooking: - in-person - online
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Report on the Results: 
Attendance:  0
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  0
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