Event ID: | 59779 |
Contact Name: | 祢宜澤愛理 |
Contact Email: | airi.n.loveandpeace@gmail.com |
Contact Phone: | 09085046808 |
Organization: | 合同会社Pangaea |
Event Web Site: | https://hummingforpeace.world/asfor_hummingforpeace/#world-time |
Dates: | 10th October 2022 to 10th October 2022 |
Physical Event: | Yes |
Type: | Public |
Start/End Type: | Starts During WSW |
Country: | Japan |
State/Province: | 東京都 |
City: | 港区 |
Address: | 東京都港区南青山5丁目 |
Location: | 東京都港区南青山5丁目 |
Event Name: | Humming for PEACE2022 |
Event Description: | [Will you hum together for World Peace] UN 🌍 World Space Week Event ✨Humming for PEACE✨ 🌎WITH SUBTITLES🌎 🧩2022/10/10(MON)PM10:00 JST (UTC+09) 🏖FREE Online Event on Zoom ~Connect with the rest of the world through humming~ ‥──────── 🧩This day, the world will connect again beyond the language barrier 🎥3-min video on this movement https://youtu.be/dm52NpvjGwM ────────‥ 🧩To participate: Please come to this page for Live Stream ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ 🔸Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82665260360?pwd=L2NCTmNJZG1SeklvWDliRSsrUC83QT09 ID: 826 6526 0360 pass: 1010 ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ 🌎WITH SUBTITLES🌎 🧩Please join if you: ┗ love to sing and want to participate ┗ like to support this event ┗ can spread the word about this event ♥︎It's ok if you don't like to sing or if you are not good at singing ♥︎It's ok if you'll just be here with us ♥︎It's ok even if you don't speak Japanese We're waiting for your voice. 🧩Details 🔹UN World Space Week Event 🔹日時:2022/10/10(MON) PM10:00〜11:30 ※Japan Standard Time (UTC +9)(30 min explanation and 30 min humming including practice) ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ 🌎World time⏰ What time is 10 am on October 10th, Japan time, when converted to world time? https://hummingforpeace.world/asfor_hummingforpeace#world-time ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ 🔹Place: Zoom and possibly FB Live here We will be displaying subtitles using multilingual interpreter function. So if you participate on Zoom, even English-speaking audience can participate together. There are two ways to participate live on the event day: 1) Join Zoom from the URL on this page (Preferred way.) 2) Watch the Facebook live shared on this event page *We would love to have you on Zoom! Will you please join Zoom and hum together with the world? ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ 🔸Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82665260360?pwd=L2NCTmNJZG1SeklvWDliRSsrUC83QT09 ID: 826 6526 0360 pass: 1010 ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ 🌎WITH SUBTITLES🌎 🔹Price: Free (Volunteer Activity) 🔹Description: Pray for world peace by humming together with the others in the world 🔹Who: anyone who likes to sing, anyone who is not good at singing but wishes for world peace 🔹How many: We will be humming with more than 100 others in the world ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ 🔹Music: "Amazing Grace" and “Theme song (Humming for PEACE)” ▼Amazing Grace https://youtu.be/LQ1DvLfwnNA ▼Theme song https://youtu.be/ANerCd3JQPI https://youtu.be/ZS5kbQz5_qs ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ 🧩 Why humming❓ ➡︎So we can sing together without language (We can connect beyond the language barrier) ➡︎When do you tend to hum? Perhaps when you feel lucky, happy, elated. Most likely when you are peaceful to be gentle to others. Something must happen when the world embraces such moment together. Therefore, I believe humming will lead to world peace. 🧩 Why the name "Humming for PEACE"❓ ➡︎It has a dual meaning of peace and piece as in jigzaw puzzle because your existance is so essential. The difference in spelling peace and piece is "a" and "i". In Japanese, "ai" means love✨ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ |
Promotional Image: | ![]() |
Report on the Results: | 2022年 国連世界宇宙週間報告書 日本語と英語です 【Humming for PEACE】 日時:2023年10月10日(火)PM10:00開催 場所:オンライン(ZOOM) 内容:世界同時ハミングでことばを超えて平和をつなぐプロジェクト【Humming for PEACE】 詳細:毎年10月10日をハミングデーと呼び、世界中の人とオンラインで繋がって行う世界一斉の歌のお祭りを日本が主催。 今年は、世界各国約16カ国の国から参加があり、世界各国から約700名が参加! アメリカカリフォルニア州・オーストラリア・ノルウェー・イタリア・日本・中国・アフリカ(ケニア)・ロンドン・コソボ・フランス・ニューヨーク・インドをはじめとする国々が同時に鼻歌で一つにつながった。 コラボレーション団体も増えました! ・10月15日に世界一斉に歌いあっているWorld Singing Day ・世界30カ国言語同時翻訳機能付きのオンラインビデオ通話プラットフォーム「株式会社Alis」 ・世界環境サミット など、国際的な団体が加わり、コラボレーションが実現。 当日は、YouTubeで同時中継・世界配信され、世界各国同時翻訳字幕付きで行われた。 ●当日のアーカイブはこちらから試聴できます。 https://youtu.be/CmNixoCAuQo 鼻歌なら、世界同時に言語の壁を超えて世界中を繋ぐことができるため、国連世界宇宙週間のコンセプトのように、地球は一つというメッセージを世界に伝えられると感じています。 当日は、YouTubeで同時中継・世界配信され、世界各国同時翻訳字幕付きで行われた。 ●当日のアーカイブはこちらから試聴できます。 https://youtu.be/CmNixoCAuQo 鼻歌なら、世界同時に言語の壁を超えて世界中を繋ぐことができるため、国連世界宇宙週間のコンセプトのように、地球は一つというメッセージを世界に伝えられると感じています。 鼻歌を歌うだけで、人類は健康効果が高いと言うことがスウェーデンカロリンスカ研究所からも立証データがでている。 ・幸せホルモンのセロトニンが分泌される ・血流アップにつながる ・呼吸器を改善。 ・免疫を上げる。 ・カロリー消費につながる。 ・音痴改善になる。 ・肺機能向上する。 ・副交感神経が優位に働き自律神経が整うことでリラックス効果も見込める、ということがわかっています。 私たちは、 世界同時に、世界中の心身を健康にする活動として、10月10日をハミングデーを世界記念日にしたいと願っている。 世界一斉のお祭りを盛り上げてくれる仲間を募集中 ●Web Site https://hummingforpeace.world/ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ Humming for PEACE Date: Monday, October 10, 2022 at 10:00 PM Place: Online (ZOOM) Description: Project to connect peace beyond words through simultaneous humming around the world 【Humming for PEACE Details:Every year on October 10, Japan hosts a worldwide festival of singing, called Humming Day, connecting people from all over the world online. This year, about 16 countries from around the world participated, with approximately 700 participants from all over the world! California, USA, Australia, Norway, Italy, Japan, China, Africa (Kenya), London, Kosovo, France, New York, India, and other countries were simultaneously connected as one through humming. More collaborating organizations! World Singing Day is held on October 15, and people sing together all over the world. Alis Inc., an online video calling platform with simultaneous translation in 30 languages around the world World Environment Summit The collaboration was made possible by the addition of international organizations such as the World Environment Summit. The event was simultaneously broadcast on YouTube with simultaneous translation and subtitles in various countries around the world. The archive of the day is available here. https://youtu.be/CmNixoCAuQo I feel that humming can connect the world at the same time, transcending language barriers, and thus convey to the world the message that the Earth is one, as in the concept of the United Nations World Space Week. The Karolinska Institutet of Sweden has provided data to prove that humming is highly effective for human health. It secretes serotonin, the happy hormone. Increases blood flow Improves the respiratory system Increases the immune system. It burns calories. Improves tone-deafness Improves lung function It is known that the parasympathetic nervous system becomes dominant and the autonomic nervous system is regulated, which leads to a relaxing effect. We are working to We hope to make October 10 a world anniversary of Humming Day as an activity to promote physical and mental health around the world at the same time. We are looking for friends who can help us make this world-wide festival a success! Web Site https://hummingforpeace.world/ |
Attendance: | 721 |
Attendance is Unique: | Yes |
Media Impressions: | 700 |
Media Impressions are Unique: | Yes |
Event Years: 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025