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Event ID:  64340
Contact Name:  Pedro Castellano-Masias
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  986735871
Organization:  SALMO - Sociedad Astronomica La Molina - Peru
Event Web Site:
Dates:  12th October 2023 to 12th October 2023
Physical Event:  No
Type:  Other
Start/End Type:  Both Starts and Ends During WSW
Country:  Peru
State/Province:  La Molina / Lima
City:  Lima
Address:  Calle El Pozo. La Ensenada.
Event Name:  Estructura de las Galaxias Activas
Event Description:  Revisaremos las teorías que explican la naturaleza observada de las galaxias activas. Las Galaxias Activas, son consideradas por muchos especialistas como los más espectaculares objetos astronómicos. Debido, especialmente a los Agujeros Negros Super-Masivos que tienen en su centro, y a los efectos súper-energéticos ocasionados por ellos. Conversaremos sobre los distintos tipos de galaxias activas, sus dimensiones, su emisión energética, etc. Si te llaman la atención los Agujeros Negros Súper-Masivos, aprovecha esta oportunidad para conversar sobre ellos!!! Empezaremos a las 16:00 hrs. Los esperamos!!! Ad Astra Per Aspera
Promotional Image: 
Report on the Results:  We have received good feedback, from the participants, who are asking for new events. The workshop flew as expected, completing all the planed themes. There have been some claims, telling that they were not able to join the workshop, due to some issues with the system. Participants have asked for a longer workshop, to cover more detalles, and to answer more questions. The attendance have been half the expected. We will revise our promotional strategy.
Attendance:  7
Attendance is Unique:  Yes
Media Impressions:  0
Media Impressions are Unique:  No

Event Years:  2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025

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