Day 1 October 17, 2007 1. Registration 2. Opening Program 3. Space Exploration through Lectures and Educational Media Presentations on Astronomy 4. Star Gazing Activity Using the two Space Telescopes from The National Space Society (NSS) 5. Night Sky Watching Using the Mobile Planetarium Day 2 October 18, 2007 6. Open-House Science and Technology Exhibit 7. Election of Officers for the Pangasinan Astronomical Society (PAS) 8. Games and Contests: a. Poster Making b. Quiz Bee in Astronomy 10. Action Planning of the PAS 11. Closing Program
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Report on the Results:
The registrants were: a. Guests, University Officials, Elementary and High School Teachers, and the Faculty and Personnel of PSU 84 b. Elementary Students 28 c. High School Students 37 d. College Students 91 ------ TOTAL 240 The Opening Program was graced by the Sen. Shahani, the university officials, teachers from public and private schools, faculty and staff of PSU. It was highlighted by inspiring messages and some entertaining numbers from the participants. The students learned so much from the lecturers. They also enjoyed because the lectures were supported by media presentations on big screen using the LCD projector. These lecture are the following: a. The Influence of Science Fiction On Man