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Event ID:  8673
Contact Name:  Copernicus Astronomical Memorial of SUST
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Contact Phone:  +8801751034342
Organization:  Copernicus Astronomical Memorial of SUST
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Dates:  3rd October 2015 to 9th October 2015
Physical Event: 
Type:  Public
Start/End Type: 
Country:  Bangladesh
State/Province:  Sylhet
City:  Sylhet
Event Name:  World Space Week , hosted by CAM-SUST
Event Description: 
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results:  The world's first artificial satellite launched from Earth's surface is sputnik-1 and it was launched on October 4, 1957. Though it came back to earth in 3 months, but this started our journey in outer space, Sputnik- 1. And now, the number of satellites are 2865 (almost)! As a result of the drawing out of our footprint not only in science, has benefited as a result of our daily life that it does not accept the way. So to celebrate our achievements and to let everyone know about the details of the space the WSW is organized every year. Remembering the launching of Sputnik- 1, on 4 October each year World Space Week (WSW) is celebrated around the world. This year, like last year, this week CAM-SUST celebrated WSW in a quite enjoyable environment. The theme of this year's World Space Week was "Discovery". On the first day of WSW 2014, 4 October, a rally was held by CAM-SUST in SUST campus. In the rally several university teachers took part including Anock Somaddar & Rony Bosak. Fanoosh festival was held in the presence of the teachers on the campus at night. 5 October at the "World Space Week on the floor of the building in front of the cam-sastera Arjun scenic Trent was inaugurated. The astronomical photo exhibition started on October 6. The exhibition was inaugurated by the celebrated science fiction author and the Departmental Head of EEE of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Dr, Zafar Iqbal and a professor of physics and head of the advisory CAM-SUST Yasmin Haque. Also, at the time, Sharif Mohammed Sharafuddin, Anock Samaddar and Rony Bosak were present. From many educational institutions across the country, many students sent their captured astronomical photos, for exhibition. More than 50 photos were submitted. There are 15 pictures chosen for the exhibition. Photo Exhibition was held from October 6 to October 9. In addition, at 3:30 pm a big bike rally was organized by CAM-SUST in Sylhet City. On October 7, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, two startling documentary presents Space Affairs. On October 9, at the auditorium of SUST, a Film Festival was arranged. Movies were about space and inspiration. Two of the movies were "October Sky" and "Sunshine". On October 10, the last day of WSW 2015, CAM-SUST organized children's art competition.In which many children participated from art schools located in Sylhet. & there was a seminar in the afternoon on that same day. In that seminar Rafee Adnan, a student of physics department of SUST, talked about "Observational astronomy" and Ahmed Estiak, from the same department and university talked about "The Dark Matter: The Story of Darkness,". The award giving ceremony began with the speeches of Dr. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, Professor Yasmin Haque, Mahmudul Haque and the President of CAM-SUST Syed Omar Faruk Towaha. They all appreciated the work of CAM-SUST and talked about human triumph over space. At the awards ceremony the winners were handed over certificates and gifts. Also, each participant got booked for being a part of WSW by participating in the art competition. The winners of the Astro Photo Exhibibition were also announced at the end of the prize giving ceremony. The winners are Pankaj Raj Dey (Beanibazar Government College) and Happy Das (Chittagong University of Engineering and-Technology). The official tent of WSW in SUST campus was filled with attractive things like sundial, Bioscope, and holographic projector. The responsibilities of celebrating World Space Week 2015 in sust campus was on the committee which was previously selected. In that committee Khadizatul Kobra Nahin was the convenor, Shaleh Tonmoy was the co-convener and the General Secretary was Rafee Adnan
Attendance:  1000
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  5000
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