Event ID: | 8865 |
Contact Name: | Astronomical cener Rijeka |
Contact Email: | astronomski-centar-rijeka@rijekasport.hr |
Contact Phone: | 00385 51 455 700 |
Organization: | Rijeka sport L.t.D. |
Event Web Site: | http://www.rijekasport.hr |
Dates: | 6th October 2015 to 9th October 2015 |
Physical Event: | |
Type: | Public |
Start/End Type: | |
Country: | Croatia |
State/Province: | Primorsko - goranska County |
City: | Rijeka |
Address: | |
Location: | Sveti Križ |
Event Name: | Discovering the Universe |
Event Description: | Astronomical Centre Rijeka will hold events and special evening program during October 6-10 to promote the World Space Week. The Centre's special program is related to this year's theme – discovery, and it includes two new interactive presentations. „Discovering Universe“, a 15-minute interactive presentation, will be shown before regular program and interactive presentation „Space missions“ will be shown on Thursdays and Saturdays at 7.30 pm. During „Discovering Universe“, the audience will learn about discoveries such as: discovery of rare Quasar Quartet, the detection of what may be the most distant galaxy ever found; Kepler 452b - the first Earth-like planet ever discovered and the Jupiter-sized planet discovery. More about NEW planetarium show „Space Missions“: Discoveries accomplished with space crafts in Solar System will be presented. Starting from Mission „Messenger“ that unveiled a bunch of surprises from Mercury — the closest planet to the Sun. Mission „Down” with studying two of the three known protoplanets of the asteroid belt, Vesta and Ceres. The discoveries of Comet 67/P Churyumov-Gerasimenko with comet chaser „Rosetta“ and „Philae“ spacecraft as well as the NASA's space probe „New Horizons“ launched to study the dwarf planet Pluto. The regular program of the Astronomical Centre Rijeka is held from Tuesday till Saturday (on Thursday, October 8, the Center will be closed due to national holiday). The program during the World Space Week will be following: on Tuesday at 6 pm, film „Mission: Mars", live planetarium show „Space Missions“ on Wednesday at 6 pm, live show „A Guide to the Night Sky – Autumn" on Friday at 7.30 pm following the film „Space Missions" at 8.30 pm and „Back to the Moon: for Good" on Saturday at 7.30 pm. During the morning on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday (11 am) on the program are live planetarium shows for the kindergarten, elementary and high school students. Elementary School Turnić Rijeka will participate with workshop „Our Discoveries of the Universe“ with memory game, measurements and presentations of Space Distances. |
Promotional Image: | No Image. |
Report on the Results: | |
Attendance: | 0 |
Attendance is Unique: | |
Media Impressions: | 0 |
Media Impressions are Unique: |
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