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Event ID:  8910
Contact Name:  Hannes Mayer
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Organization:  Competence Centre for Space law and Space Policy
Event Web Site:  http://www.
Dates:  5th October 2015 to 9th October 2015
Physical Event: 
Type:  School
Start/End Type: 
Country:  Austria
State/Province:  Styria
City:  Schladming
Location:  Skiakademie
Event Name:  Space/Discovery
Event Description:  Two space related English lessons
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results:  For a second time, students of the Ski-Akadmie Schladming took part in small projects on the topic of space. Since this year’s theme was “Discovery” it allowed a wide range of tasks. In year two, the students were asked to answer 29 questions on planets, galaxies and space exploration. Since these children have not attended any science lessons since Hauptschule, most of the answers were new to them and the teenagers got very interested in the topic, asking many remarkable questions themselves. They discovered that rats have been born in space and that other planets have moons as well. As a reward, we looked at fascinating images of space, the planets and space missions. In year one of the AUL and year three of the Ski-Akademie, the students are currently working on the topic of prejudice and diversity, so we read a text on the various opinions of world religions on aliens and discussed the issues the world would have to deal with if alien life forms ever came to visit us. During the discussion, the students also debated the different stereotypes of aliens created in print and especially in films. They argued that, if Hollywood had not created those images, many conspiracy theories would not exist. 3rd year students of the AUL, who are currently dealing with the topic of marketing, were given the task of selling the moon and properties on Mars. Even though they were first a little annoyed with the task, they gradually started to enjoy the creative output. And they came up with some great posters, selling beautiful homes and even a farm with animals demonstrating amazing Photoshop skills in the process. Like last year, the emerging discussions and questions were stimulating and, as always, it is great to see students showing and interest in a topic that is maybe new or at least little known to them.
Attendance:  30
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  0
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