Event ID: | 9274 |
Contact Name: | Dječji vrtić \\ |
Contact Email: | mali.princ@ri.t-com.hr |
Contact Phone: | 051/641-388 |
Organization: | Dječji vrtić \\ |
Event Web Site: | http://www.maliprinc.hr |
Dates: | 5th October 2015 to 9th October 2015 |
Physical Event: | |
Type: | Private |
Start/End Type: | |
Country: | Croatia |
State/Province: | Primorsko- goranska županija/Primorsko-goranska county |
City: | Rijeka |
Address: | |
Location: | |
Event Name: | Djeca u svemiru/Children in space |
Event Description: | Aktivnosti za djecu 3-7 god. Planiramo istraživati enciklopedije, karte svemira i život astronauta.Gradit ćemo rakete i svemirske letjelice od različitih materijala. Crtat ćemo i izrađivati kacige za astronaute.Izrađivat ćemo i suvenire na temu svemira. Igrat ćemo društvene igre "Putovanje sunčevim sustavom" i "Mali astronaut". Zajednički ćemo izraditi veliku maketu rakete i "putovati" u svemir. Od ponedjeljka do petka od 9 do 11 sati te od 15 do 19 sati. Pozvat ćemo roditelje da nam se pridruže u aktivnostima. Activities for children 3-7 years. We plan to explore encyclopedias, maps of the universe and life of astronauts.We will build rockets and make spacecraft from different materials. We will draw and make helmets for astronauts.We will create souvenirs connected with space theme. We'll play the social game "Journey through the solar system" and "Little astronaut". Together we will create a large model of a rocket and "travel" in the universe. Time: from Monday to Friday from 9 to 11 a.m. and from 3 to 5 p.m. We will invite parents to join in the activities. |
Promotional Image: | No Image. |
Report on the Results: | U tjednu obilježavanja Svjetskog tjedna svemira 2015. proveli smo slijedeće aktivnosti po skupinama: - Izrada velike rakete - zajednički rad - Izrada manjih raketa od tuljaka - Crtanje i slikanje na temu svemira - Istraživanje i čitanje enciklopedija i slikovnica vezanih uz svemir te karata svemira - Izrada planeta tehnikom kaširanja - Izrađivanje suvenira od das mase na temu svemira - Igranje društvene igre „Putovanje sunčevim sustavom“ - Snimanje kratkog filma „Ljudi i svemirci mogu biti prijatelji“ Planiranim smo aktivnostima kod djece uspjeli pobuditi interes za istraživanje svemira te usvajanje novih spoznaja temeljenih na proširivanju postojećih. During the World space week 2015, we conducted the following activities: - Creating a large rocket – group project - Creating a small rockets - Drawing and painting of the universe - Research and reading encyclopedias and picture books related to the universe and the universe maps - Making the planets out of paper - Creating souvenirs from the das mass - Playing board game - ”Travel the solar system” - Shooting of the short film “People and aliens can be friends” By planned activities we succeeded to arouse children's interest in space exploration and acquisition of new knowledge based on the expansion of existing ones. |
Attendance: | 60 |
Attendance is Unique: | |
Media Impressions: | 100 |
Media Impressions are Unique: |
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