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  • This page shows the Events held during World Space Week 2016
  • The list contains 50 events per page. The links at the bottom of the page can be used to view other sections of the list.
  • The list is initially sorted sorted by country. 
  • Events with a 'Y' in the Map column indicate that the exact location of the event has been mapped.
  • A plot of the 2016 mapped events can be seen here: 2016 Mapped Events
  • Questions or problems using the calendar please email

Country State/Province City Event Name Map Details
United States North Carolina Fayetteville Homeschool Stargazing for Kids Event Details
United States North Carolina Fayetteville Stargazing for Kids Event Details
United States North Carolina Lumberton Dawn of the Space Age Planetarium program Event Details
United States North Carolina Lumberton Mars: Paving the Way for Human Exploration Y Event Details
United States NY East Meadow Discover NASA Explore the Moon Y Event Details
United States NY Staten Island Looking at the Stars! Y Event Details
United States Ohio Cincinnati iSPACE Space Day Y Event Details
United States Ohio Columbus IMAX Space Week Y Event Details
United States Ohio Zanesville Zanesville Astronomy Club Open Observatory Observations Y Event Details
United States Oklahoma Moore What's Happening in Space plus video Event Details
United States Pennsylvania Easton Science on a Sphere Spotlight Y Event Details
United States Pennsylvania Hollidaysburg World Space Week at HAHS Homecoming Y Event Details
United States Pennsylvania Lititz World Space Week meets Star Wars Reads! Y Event Details
United States Pennsylvania Philadelphia IMAX Space Week Y Event Details
United States Puerto Rico Cayey Semana Mundial del Espacio 1ra Edición Y Event Details
United States Sacramento CA Telescope Photo Potluck Event Details
United States Tenneesee Memphis Selected Historic Topics in Space Y Event Details
United States Tennessee Memphis Selected Current Topics in Space Lecture Y Event Details
United States Texas Cypress Lone Star College -- CyFair World Space Week Celebration Y Event Details
United States Texas Grapevine IMAX Space Week Y Event Details
United States Texas Houston IMAX Space Week Y Event Details
United States Texas Houston Stars of Houston Event Details
United States Texas Houston World Space Week events Y Event Details
United States Texas San Antonio IMAX Space Week Y Event Details
United States tn Memphis, To space and back: A journey to the stars and planets and the technological advances needed Event Details
United States Vermont Rutland International Space Week Y Event Details
United States Virginia Bristow CPES Celebrates World Space Week Event Details
United States Virginia Hampton IMAX Space Week Y Event Details
United States Virginia Wallops Island International Observe the Moon Night Y Event Details
United States Washington Kent IMAX Space Week Y Event Details
United States Washington Seattle Executive Space Course World Space Week Reception Event Details
United States Washington Seattle Orbit Around October Event Details
United States Washington Seattle Planetarium Shows @ UW Y Event Details
United States Washington Seattle Space Art Exhibit Y Event Details
United States Washington Seattle World Space Week 2016 viewing party Y Event Details
United States Wisconsin Hudson Celebration of World Space Week Y Event Details
Uruguay Montevideo Montevideo Programación especial por la Semana Mundial del Espacio Event Details
Venezuela Capital District Caracas Satellites de Observación Terrestre Event Details
Venezuela Miranda San Antonio de los Altos Derecho Ultraterrestre Event Details
Vietnam Hanoi Building Lasting Capacity for Water Management in Lower Mekong using Satellite Observations Event Details
Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City Youth Creative Festival 2016 Event Details
Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City 6th Ho Chi Minh City Open Water Rockets Contest Event Details
Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City AstroTalk 2016 Event Details
Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City Basic Astronomy Courses 2016 Event Details
Zimbabwe Bulawayo Bulawayo Lecture about Remote Sensing Y Event Details
Zimbabwe Harare Chitungwiza Remote Sensing Our Future Y Event Details

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