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Event ID:  12293
Contact Name:  Liceul Teoretic \"Neagoe Basarab\"
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  0242 512159
Organization:  Liceul Teoretic \"Neagoe Basarab\"
Event Web Site:
Dates:  3rd October 2016 to 9th October 2016
Physical Event: 
Type:  School
Start/End Type: 
Country:  Romania
State/Province:  Calarasi
City:  Oltenita
Location:  Oltenita
Event Name:  Saptamana mondiala a spatiului cosmic (WSW 2016)
Event Description: 
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results:  ACTIVITY REPORT Space WORLD YEAR 2016 Prof. Cezar Ghergu EN: Celebrating the "Year WORLD Space 2016 'on" Remote Sensing defines the future "students High School" Neagoe "city Oltenita, Calarasi county, conducted some 100 works, mainly paintings, drawings, sketches, formats A1-A3, which were displayed in the entrance hall. Although mostly works follow the theme "Remote sensing traces the future", proposed for this year, the desire to leave students free artistic creativity, were accepted and works that have expressed more freely creative imagination in research of outer space . To promote quality works made by students, they will be judged by high school teachers and depending on eventual sponsorships will be awarded. Part of works made by the students were photographed. They were made about 38 photos and participate in activities during presentations "Power Point". They were posted on "Face book" page: On the occasion of the closing event on 10.10.2016, they were invited all local educational institutions, both in the general presentation of the event in our reading room of the library, and the presentation of the exhibition with works made on this occasion students. Our library reading room with less space study were necessary to make four presentations on different days "Power Point", which was attended by 125 students overall and 3-4 teachers. Duration presentations were about an hour, after which he was presented a film in lagatura the activities suggested by the Romanian Space Agency and ESA ROSA, following the protocol of collaboration existing between ROSA and MENCS. They also discussed issues related to astrobiology and STEM disciplines, and on courses organized by specialists working in the agency and ESA ROSA. Had an important role models for presentations and educational projects and proposes that the Romanian Space Agency. On this occasion most celebrated WSW in Calarasi County High School "Mihai Eminescu" National College Economic and 6-7 schools still following the announcement on the website of our high school physics teachers in Calarasi County www.fizica They consist mainly in the creation of drawings and paintings in agreement with the proposed theme. We believe that the portal was visited by about 150 people. Observation! It was necessary to return to this new report portal WSW because you learned a little later about the nature of involvement in NW made by other educational facilities in Calarasi County. RAPORT ACTIVITATE ANULUI MONDIAL AL SPATIULUI COSMIC 2016 Prof. Cezar Ghergu RO: Cu ocazia sarbatoririi "ANULUI MONDIAL AL SPATIULUI COSMIC 2016", pe tema "TELEDETECTIA TRASEAZA VIITORUL" elevii Liceului Teoretic “Neagoe Basarab”, din orasul Oltenita, judetul Calarasi, au realizat circa 100 lucrari, in principal picturi, desene, schite, in formate A1-A3, care au fost afisate in holul de la intrare. Desi in mare parte lucrarile urmaresc tema “Teledetectia traseaza viitorul”, propusa pentru acest an, din dorinta de a le lasa elevilor libera creativitatea artistica, au fost acceptate si lucrari in care si-au manifestat cat mai liber imaginatia creativa in domeniul cercetarii spatiului cosmic. Pentru promovarea lucrarilor de calitate realizate de catre elevi, acestea vor fi jurizate de profesorii liceului si in functie de eventualele sponsorizari vor fi premiate. O parte a lucrarilor realizate de elevi au fost fotografiate. Au fost realizate circa 38 de fotografii si cu participanti la activitati in timpul prezentarilor “Power Point”. Ele au fost postate pe “Face book”, in pagina: Cu ocazia incheierii evenimentului in data de 10.10.2016, au fost invitate toate institutiile de invatamant din localitate, atat la prezentarea generala a evenimentului in sala de lectura a bibliotecii noastre, cat si la prezentarea expozitiei realizata cu aceasta ocazie cu lucrarile elevilor. Sala de lectura a bibliotecii noastre avand spatiu de studiu mai redus, au fost necesara realizarea in zile diferite 4 prezentari “Power Point”, la care au participat 125 elevi total si circa 3-4 cadre didactice. Durata prezentarilor au fost de circa o ora, dupa care a mai fost prezentat un film in lagatura cu activitatile sugerate de Agentia spatiala romana ROSA si ESA, ca urmare a protocolului de colaboare existent intre ROSA si MENCS. Au mai fost discutate probleme legate de astrobiologie si disciplinele STEM, precum si despre cursurile organizate de specialistii care lucreaza la nivelul agentiei ROSA si ESA. Un rol important au avut si prezentarile unor modele de proiecte de invatamant pe care si le propune Agentia spatiala romana. Cu aceasta ocazie au mai sarbatorit WSW in judetul Calarasi, Liceul Teoretic “Mihai Eminescu”, Colegiul National Economic, precum si inca 6-7 scoli generale, ca urmare a anuntului facut de liceul nostru pe saitul profesorilor de fizica al judetului Calarasi Ele constau in principal in realizarea de desene si picture in acord cu tema propusa. Consideram ca portalul a fost vizitat de circa 150 persoane. Observatie! A fost necesara revenirea cu acest nou raport pe portalul WSW, deoarece s-a aflat putin mai tarziu despre natura implicarilor in activitatile WSW realizate de catre celelalte unitati de invatamant din judetul Calarasi.
Attendance:  125
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  150
Media Impressions are Unique: 

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