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Event ID:  38502
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Dates:  11th October 2020 to 10th October 2020
Physical Event:  Yes
Type:  Public
Start/End Type:  Starts During WSW
Country:  Global
Event Name: - Space Quest!
Event Description:  Are you fascinated by the awe and wonders of all things space?... If so - then this event is for you! Join for Space Quest A one night only line-up of fantastic celebrity guests to celebrate World Space Week 2020. The evening will be hosted by Amelia Jane Piper (CEO/founder of The event will consist of a talk by Vix Southgate - World Space Week National Coordinator for the UK, Author and manager for VIPs A chat with Sophia Lee- Roberts - Chair of UKSEDS Plus, an 'out of this world' special guest - Nicole Passonno Stott - An astronaut and artist who creatively combines the awe and wonder of her spaceflight experience with artwork. She's a veteran NASA Astronaut with two spaceflights and 104 days living and working in space as a crew member on both the International Space Station (ISS) and the Space Shuttle. Not forgetting an interview with Herb Baker (NASA) by our PUMP UP THE STEM 2020 competition Champions - 5-8 category winner - Marthy Rose Hill-Davis (age 6) 13-18 category winner - Emilie Heather (age 13) Most Enthusiastic Presenter category winner - Tom Jones (age 9) Most Amusing Video category winner - Millie Davies (age 8) Also, a personal video message from Professor Chris Lintott - best known as co-presenter of BBC's Sky At Night. Tim Gagnon - an artist who has worked with NASA Astronauts designing their mission patches, will give an in-depth insight into his work. Join us on Sunday (11th October 2020) at 6pm(BST) as we launch you into the wonders of space!
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Report on the Results: 
Attendance:  0
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Media Impressions:  0
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