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Event ID:  41827
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Organization:  Momenteam LU
Event Web Site:  http://www.
Dates:  4th October 2020 to 10th October 2020
Physical Event:  Yes
Type:  Public
Start/End Type:  Both Starts and Ends During WSW
Country:  Lebanon
State/Province:  Mount Lebanon
City:  Baabda
Address:  Hadath
Location:  Lebanese University
Event Name:  Steps To Space 1
Event Description:  This year, we'll have interactive talks, each in one of the faculties of the Lebanese University to show the bond between Astrophysics and the different majors like engineering, medical sciences, and fine arts. As for the Closing day, on 10/10/2019, a great ceremony will be held at the faculty of sciences including activities like: 1) Outdoor stands: interactive talks summing up all what was presented throughout the week, riddles, astrophotography, and food stands! 2) Telescope observations 3) Momenteam's first anniversary 4) Seminar: "Life Outside Earth" by Dr. Ahmad Shaalan 5) Seminar: "CubeSat Nanotechnology: Towards Developing Lebanese NanoSatellites" by Dr. Louay Abdallah 6) Seminar: "The Flying Telescope" by Mr. Habib Elkak
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Report on the Results: 
Attendance:  0
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  0
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