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United Nations

The United Nations General Assembly declared World Space Week in 1999. The celebration of World Space Week is under the guidance of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) and the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) based in Vienna, Austria.

World Space Week Association

The World Space Week Association (WSWA), founded in 1981, is one of the world’s oldest space education organizations. Today it is the proud partner of the United Nations in the global coordination of World Space Week. WSWA recruits and supports a worldwide network of National Coordinators and event organizers. You can read about our history here.

Legal Structure

WSWA is a corporation chartered in 1981 by the State of Texas in the United States. It is classified by the US Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization. It is also a non-government, non-membership organization. WSWA is independent from WSW national coordinators and participants (event holders). WSWA encourages widespread participation, but does not endorse any WSW participants or events.


WSWA is led by a volunteer Board of Directors and volunteer officers according to its by-laws.

Sources of Support

WSWA is supported by the efforts of numerous volunteers. These efforts are supplemented by grants and donations of funds and services from organizations and individuals who support space, education, and international cooperation. Please see how you can contribute to the growing success of World Space Week here.

National Coordinators

World Space Week is organized by thousands of volunteers all over the world. A global network of organizations and individuals coordinates this annual event at the national and local levels. These volunteer National Coordinators invite organizations to hold events, publicize the resulting World Space Week celebration through the media, and report on the results.

Major Sponsors


957 Nasa Pkwy Suite 350, Houston, TX 77058-3039

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