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  • This page shows the Events held during World Space Week 2014
  • The list contains 50 events per page. The links at the bottom of the page can be used to view other sections of the list.
  • The list is initially sorted sorted by country. 
  • Events with a 'Y' in the Map column indicate that the exact location of the event has been mapped.
  • A plot of the 2014 mapped events can be seen here: 2014 Mapped Events
  • Questions or problems using the calendar please email

Country State/Province City Event Name Map Details
United States Florida Tampa World Space Week Y Event Details
United States Idaho Moscow Mission to Mars Y Event Details
United States IL chicago Careers in Space Event Details
United States IL chicago Careers in Space Event Details
United States IL Chicago Economy and Exploration: Why Deep Space is Vital to Advancing U.S. Leadership Event Details
United States IL Chicago Economy and Exploration: Why Deep Space is Vital to Advancing U.S. Leadership Event Details
United States IL chicago geraldine haracz Event Details
United States Indiana Carmel World Space Week 2014 at The Stratford Event Details
United States Indiana Scottsburg International Earthcache Day 2014 Flash Mob Event Details
United States Maryland Crownsville South Shore Elementary World Space Night Event Details
United States Maryland Crownsville South Shore Elementary World Space Night Y Event Details
United States MI Royal Oak Science on a Sphere presenting World Space Week! Y Event Details
United States Michigan DeWitt Conversation with Private Space Explorer Y Event Details
United States Missouri Springfield Astrophotography 101 Event Details
United States Missouri Springfield Guiding Your Way Event Details
United States Missouri Springfield Guiding Your Way Kickoff Event Details
United States Missouri Springfield Skype with an Astronaut Y Event Details
United States Missouri Springfield "Passport to Space" Geocache Adventure Event Details
United States NC Lumberton World Space Week Y Event Details
United States New York Beacon Historic Robotic Spacecraft Poster Series Event Details
United States New York New York Astronomy Night at the Intrepid Museum Y Event Details
United States New York Yonkers Space - Our Global Future Event Details
United States NY NY The Planetary Society – NYC Meeting Y Event Details
United States Ohio Cincinnati iMISSION for Educators Event Details
United States Ohio Cincinnati iMISSION for Families Event Details
United States Ohio Cincinnati October Skies Paper Rockets Family Night Event Details
United States Ohio Cincinnati Space Day Event Details
United States Ohio Cleveland Space Saturday Y Event Details
United States Oklahoma Tulsa Halloween Science Show Event Details
United States San Francisco California World Space Week Potluck and Documentary Event Details
United States South Carolina Columbia Destination Space Week and NASA Family Night Space Week Event Details
United States Texas League City Sea, Earth, and Space Summit Registration Kickoff Activities Event Details
United States Texas San Antonio Teen World Space Week and Rocket Boys Minifestival Y Event Details
United States TN Rockwood TAOrem balloon remote sensing Y Event Details
United States TN Tullahoma Motlow College October Skies Star Party Event Details
United States United States New York Sales Blazer Event Details
United States Vermont Montpelier MAKERS: Women in Space Event Details
United States Veromont Montpelier MAKERS: Women in Space Y Event Details
United States Virginia Bristow SPACE CLUB II-MISSION 1 HURRAY FOR GPS! Event Details
United States Virginia Hampton Explosions of Our Closest Star Y Event Details
United States Virginia Hampton NASA Cool Science Saturday Y Event Details
United States Virginia Multiple, Statewide - see website Virginia Science Festival Y Event Details
United States VT Montpelier Community Cinema: MAKERS, “Women in Space” Event Details
Venezuela Estado Portuguesa / Araure Araure rockets en la conquista del universo Y Event Details
Venezuela Lara Barquisimeto Exposicion Un Paseo por el Universo Y Event Details
Zimbabwe Harare Harare Space Guiding your Way Y Event Details
Zimbabwe null null null Event Details

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